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Czech Nymph spot rose

Questions aux monteurs américains

Je voulais connaitre la raison pour laquelle beaucoup de monteurs et pêcheurs américains mettent différents hot spot dans les différents montages de leurs mouches artificielles.
Je leur ai donc posé la question de l'intérêt d'ajouter des hot spots dans les montages tel que dans la PT (Pheasant Tail) par exemple.

La question:
Could you give me the reason for using hot spots and if using holographic, for example mylar tinsel in this model on the back of the body, or other flash materials, increases the number of strikes. On the other hand, does this work on all trout or is it reserved for rainbow trout?
Thank you.

Traduction de la question:
"Pourriez-vous me donner la raison de l'utilisation de hot spots et si l'utilisation de matériaux holographiques, par exemple des tinsels mylar dans ce modèle au dos du corps, ou autres matériaux flash, augmente le nombre de touches. D'un autre côté, est-ce que cela fonctionne sur toutes les truites ou est-ce réservé à la truite arc-en-ciel ?

Les réponses des auteurs américains:

Comme à leur habitude les américains sont des personnes qui n'hésitent pas à vous répondre et font preuve d'un grand professionnalisme.

Tim Cammisa en réponse à ma question dans les commentaires de la vidéo Fly Tying: Hot Spot Stone featuring Shawn Holsinger

Hi Jacques, and the gist of the hot spot is to capture the fish's attention and/or utilize it as a cue to prompt a strike. In my opinion, it creates something that may not be natural, but different, which draw's attention to the fly as a possible food source. Many competitive fly fishermen fish hot spots on their patterns, though there are also those who choose not to use them. Shoot me an email and I can provide some additional information: Thanks! Tim

Tim Camisa en réponse à un mail personnel:
Hi Jacques, and I wanted to mention to you that there are lots of ways to tie in hot spots, and nothing is wrong versus right.  Here are some different patterns with hot spots of differing materials and locations.

Dry fly tag -
Nymph tag -
Nymph hot spot butt -
Nymph collar -

What additional questions have you generated?



Davie McPhail en réponse à ma question dans les commentaires de la vidéo Tying a Micro Fritz Diawl-Bach with Davie McPhai

Hi Jacques Soule, It can be an advantage to have a bit of flash on our flies nowadays especially for fishing for rainbow trout on many of our lakes and lochs..I personally like it in dubbing but only a little as too much can have an opposite effect as I find this even on my salmon flies. You could experiment with your flies just to see if it helps or not but watch the weather and light conditions as this does affect the way the flash may or not help..I hope this is of some help to you...
All the very best Davie..

Rob Kolanda en réponse à ma question

Do not have anything published on this. Yes hot spots can increase production on all flavors of trout.

Front Range Anglers
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Boulder Co 80302

FF Team USA World team member 2012
Euronymphing and Loch style instruction.
Sage Elite Pro Staff

MakFlies en réponse à ma question dans les commentaires de la vidéo Fly Tying a Hot Spot Quill Cruncher by Mak

Big water conditions like stillwaters or large food rich tailwaters scream for the use of hot spots in order to gain the attention of the fish. Often a hot spot fly will attract attention, perhaps the fish turns off only to take one of the other flies in your cast. Basically you can catch Brown Trout as well as Rainbow,

Regards Mak

Mad River Outfitters  en réponse à ma question:


Thanks for checking with us.
A hot spot is just a bit of color designed to get attention and yes, hopefully increase the number of strikes.
It works on all fish...trout, bass, panfish. Not just rainbow trout.
Don't know of any articles on this. You'l have to search around I guess.
Hope that helps and please stay in touch.

Brian- MRO

Mad River Outfitters / Midwest Fly Fishing Schools
813 Bethel Rd
Columbus OH 43214-1127
Phone: 614-451-0363
FAX: 614-451-0709

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