Stuck on a homework question? - Lubricate the tip of the enema tip or catheter and insert it into the rectum gently. A mass has become palatable just below her umbilicus. - Document rhythm. ", Reach staff writer Heather Bellow at 413-329-6871. - Check to see if patients type and cross match as ordered has been completed. - Alteration in skin integrity Impaired coping- True - Draw a repeat CBC per HCP order to determine current Hemoglobin status. - Complete physical assessment. He is on simple face mask and has a dry cough. - Provide medical history - including medication history and allergies. UNICEF is also the world's largest buyer of AD syringes, procuring 40% of the global market. Impaired mobility- True - Announce "CLEAR, CLEAR, EVERYONE CLEAR". Potential for falls - Change dressing and bed linen's - Reapply the NC that he was admitted with at 2L - Address patients skin tear. Sarah Getts Scenario 1 Ms. Getts is requesting water to drink. -Inform patient about the progression and risk a PCP infection has for a patient with AIDS. Potential for alteration in nutrition- True When you arrive to room 4, you are told to assume the care for the patient and get ready to transport them to the floor ASAP. - Check blood glucose finger stick and administer sliding scale insulin Virginia Smith, 57-year-old who has elected to have a total mastectomy based on consultation with her surgeon, a total mastectomy removes all breast tissue but leaves all or most of axillary lymph nodes and chest muscles intact. Fusce d, sque dapibus efficitur laoreet. She was admitted to Dr. Gray for full diagnostic work up to determine the cause of her symptoms. - Instruct patient to lie in supine position for 3 hours. Nausea-False Estelle Hatcher. No weight bearing today. - Explain the treatment plan for the patient. . - Wash and glove hands - Sign additional surgical consent, - Complete Neurological Assessment -Obtain a UA to assist with helping patient up. - Check Proper Positioning NURS 320 Med_Surg_Swift_River **New Patients from 2020, Post- Covid-19 Update:** **Charlie Raymond , John Duncan, Carlos Mancia, kenny barrett, Tim Jon es, Julia Monroe, Donald Lyles, John Wiggins, Richard Dominec, Preston Wright, Tom Richardson, Joyce Workman, Karen Cole, Jose Martinez, Mary Barkley Charlie Raymond (for older swift river patients see other pdf files loaded at the bottom of . - Start a secondary IV line, 20 gauge cath with normal saline TKO (blood tubing). As long as treatments are evidence-based, "no one treatment is better than another," Michaels said. One of four treatment centers in the U.S. owned by Addiction Campuses, it sits on 500 acres of wilderness that fuels its holistic approach to individualized "evidence-based" opioid addiction treatment, according to the company website. "It's kind of like diabetes, where people can have wonderful lives. Regular diet. Jose Martinez Scenario 1 Assess pain level Obtain VS Initial assessment Educate Place med in patient inventory Scenario 2 Assess injury Obtain assistance Take VS Skin assessment Notify provider Scenario 3 Administer med Address skin tear Potential for knowledge deficit- True - Assess for bowel sounds - Report to charge nurse/ head nurse the need for staff education. Notify lead RN - Call security for assistance and compliance officer She believes this surgery is her only hope, as she says she has tried everything else to lose weight. Neurological- Normal Carla Hiers kicked a lifelong heroin habit at an upscale Cummington detox center. On Jan. 11 the state Department of Public Health suspended admissions to Swift River's Acute Treatment Services program and began an investigation into the Jan. 6 death of a client, according to department spokeswoman Ann Scales. Failure to Thrive- True, - Give Tylenol 1g - Encourage fluids - Pre-op education - Perform hand hygiene and don gloves. - Stress the importance of informing any sexual partners of her STD as they may transmit the disease. You have permission to edit this article. Health change- Increased - Ensure pre-operative consent has been signed. She has sleep apnea, and she brought her CPAP machine. He does moan when rolled. Grieving- False - Reassess respiratory status. Family in room with patient very concerned. -Place patient on O2 Nasal Canula Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Potential for infection. He has a history of COPD, hypertension, diabetes type II, and a recent myocardial infarction. Psychological- Normal. The absence of bowel sounds would indicate an abdominal ileus On Jan. 11 the state Department of Public Health suspended admissions to Swift River's Acute Treatment Services program and began an investigation into the Jan. 6 death of a client, according to department spokeswoman Ann Scales. - Explain to the patient the importance of the incentive spirometer q15 minutes. Potential for bleeding Divers hunting for woolly mammoth tusks in East River find jawbone of steppe bison - a . - Administer morphine PRN - Request psychotropic drug from HCP to administer for mood improvement and appetite stimulation to Mr. Jones - Assess vital signs and urinary output. Just what I needed. - Auscultate starting at the right lower quadrant beginning at the right lower and continuing to all others Chest x-ray and EKG were unremarkable. - Administer pain medication as ordered Pain- Normal - Restart the IV and draw CBC It can be paid in either one or two installments. - Provide palliative care He said the pain became unbearable after he ate a burger and fries. Bloated feeling or gas, indigestion, nausea or vomiting, or stomach cramps or pain constipation diarrhea excitement or nervousness frequent urination general feeling of discomfort or illness headache muscle twitching numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in hands or feet pounding heartbeat problems in speaking trembling trouble sleeping - Alteration in mobility - Insert new IV above prior site or opposite limb. - Evaluate Understanding SROL Med Surg Female and Male Patients: Female. GREAT BARRINGTON Without spending a penny, Carla Hiers kicked a lifelong heroin habit at an upscale Cummington detox center. 45 terms. - Educate patient - Reinforce to the patient to not get out of bed The Maxillofacial surgeon was consulted, and they will see him this morning. - Document patients' statement and prepare a written report. - Ask Surgeon to discuss with patient the potential facial scarring, - Complete Neurological assessment She was admitted to Dr. Gray for full diagnostic work up to determine the cause of her symptoms. Psychological- Increased Clinical 2. Not in the world of Girls Just Want To Have Fun, though. 50% intake. Psychological- Increased. Ruth Cummings Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: - Acute discomfort Contact social services Patient states, "I'm afraid I will be permanently scarred"! - Charge the monitor to 200 J biphasic. - Set-up for stat portable chest x-ray, - Explain procedure to the patient Risk for injury- True. -Assess Mr. Jones for injuries. No known allergies (NKA). - Contact power of attorney, daughter, for consent for surgery. - Perform secondary assessment related to patient's anxiety level while using therapeutic communication to decrease patients' stress. - Inspect catheter to ensure it is not obstructed/kinked Fall Risk - increased - Explain that Docetaxel is a hormone therapy that suppresses the testosterone that your testicles produce producing similar results as surgical intervention. -Potential for post trauma syndrome Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, con, or nec facilisis. - Obtain vital signs. - Explain that Radium-223 mimics calcium and is absorbed during new bone growth. - Provide emotional support for patient and family and ask if they would like you to contact a hospital chaplain, - Full assessment - Ask nursing manager to help debrief and document concerns with what possibly went wrong with patients care. -Ask the patient if she has had the procedures previously. -Apply Silvadene - Administer medication for pain. - Reassess temperature in 1hr. Sarah Getts Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Acute Pain- False Pain- Increased - Therapeutic Communication - Potential for alteration in tissue integrity Psychological Needs - increased - Apply O2 at 2 L nasal-cannula. He has no other health concerns. Sarah Getts, 77 yr-old, Dx- Chronic Renal Failure, admitted with hyperkalemia (5.9, Eq/L)/hyponatremia (128mEq/L). She has also been experiencing dyspareunia during intercourse. -Contact HCP, -Reassess lung sounds Wound clean dry and intact. Knowledge deficit Sarah Getts Room 308 However, he quit three years ago when he remarried; he and his wife have a nine-month-old baby. Shirley Norris - 3 challenges. - Inform patient that you will set-up a one-on-one with a pregnancy counselor to discuss her pregnancy to include a description of an ectopic pregnancy. - Potential for altered body image What is unclear, however, is what qualifies one needy person over another. His original lymph node biopsy was negative. Male. She has a medical history of hypertension and hypothyroidism. final. Recently he manifested an unusual black lesion on his thigh and developed an opportunistic fungal mouth infection which was treated successfully. Potential for ineffective sexuality patterns- True, Acute discomfort- True - Attempt to find Diversion activity for patient (music, sports, pets, etc) - Encourage fluids and fiber diet Potential for falls, Acute discomfort Carlos Mancia. time and place, speech slurred. - Collect blood cultures Knowledge deficit- True. - Reemphasize to patient that he cannot blow his nose Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. - Notify Cath Lab for stat cardiac cath. Fusce dui lectus, congu, fficitur laoreet. It involves Frank Timmons who was born in the 1964. - Assess pain and cardiac rhythm Q 15 minutes the first hour. Go to ATI Student Portal Button. Bleeding- False They applied some ice to his face, and he decided to go to the post game keg party instead of coming to the ER. RS. And Hiers' husband, with whom she said she is occasionally in touch, also got free treatment at Turning Point in Southaven, Miss., another high-end Addiction Campuses facility. - Administer antibiotics and start Morphine PCA with a basal rate of 4mg/hour, and demonstrate to patient how to administer She has a 20- gauge peripheral IV to left forearm with 75 mL/hr. - When help arrives, pass off chest compressions and begin respirations. The Addiction Campuses website says if all else fails, it offers financing, from $1,000 to $100,000, at "fair interest rates," depending on one's credit score, with "funds wired within 24 hours" and no "loan origination or prepayment penalties.". Fall, for Risk- True As an adult she she has the right to privacy but this disease has consequences. Fall Risk- Increased Disoriented to time and place, speech slurred. Studypool matches you to the best tutor to help you with your question. - Ensure patient privacy and call for help and assist patient to bed once help arrives - Notify lead nurse Psychological Needs - increased - Evaluate Understanding, - Wash/Glove Hands Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Chanthavy Chhet Chanthavy Chhet, 46 y/o female admitted for dehydration and gastritis. Full assessment - Call respiratory therapy and assist with treatments Neurological- Increased She also has a history of IBS with opioid-induced chronic constipation. Julia Monroe - Repeat 1mg of Atropine administration within 3-5 minutes of first dose. She has two through and through gun-shot wounds. Fusce dui lectus. Fall- Normal He has been taking his HIV medication daily. - Remind CODE team to stop CPR and check for pulse Q5 minutes. - Full assessment 11 terms. Wight Goodman Patient was admitted to the floor last night from the ER for an orbital fracture. - Provide personal hygiene. - Complete secondary assessment once the patient is in bed focusing on complaint of pain resulting from the fall - Start the PCA pump, - Reassure patient of plan of care considering her anxiety Kathy Gestalt Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: - Alteration in mobility Patients within the Swift River Online Simulators. Alteration in comfort - Educate Patient - Notify HCP of fall, complete incident report, - Ask the patient if it is okay to discuss his care in front of his children. -Consult with MD about initiating telemetry. -Initiate anti-psychotic medication, as ordered Your email address will not be published. VS: BP 128/62, P 72, R 16, T 98.6 F. Educational- Increased - Announce to CODE team that you are ready to cardiovert. -Empty foley bag - Medicate for pain - Provide Comfort - Await new orders from HCP for bronchoscopy to r/o PCP (Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia) Pain - normal Verify call light.bed safety "As a senior nurse with over 45 years of experience as both a direct care and academic professional, I want to share . Fall Risk-False - Contact funeral home Health Change - increased - Remove the dinner tray and make sure the diet is soft food. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. - Verify Call Light/Bed Safety precautions, - Educate patient of procedure Sensorium- Normal. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. - Check for breathing and carotid pulse. Fall Risk - increased Until the recent diagnosis of cancer, the patient had only seen a physician once in the last ten years. Educational Needs- Normal Potential for bleeding Health Change- Increased Multiple burn injuries have overwhelmed the local hospitals. Nam risus, acinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. . - Schedule patient for a CT scan. At Swift River, high-end drug treatment that can't be for everyone. She was told by a friend that the complication rate for this surgery is very high. Module leader: Safety- Increased. - Alteration in body image - Full assessment Pain- Increased Peripheral Neurovascular disfunction- False. - Head to toe assessment to include surgical site To access your Swift River Virtual Clinicals login to ATI's Student Portal and access the Virtual Clinical card in My ATI. She is super morbidly obese with a BMI of 52, Ht, 5'3", Wt, 293lbs. Psychological Needs - normal Psychological Needs - normal, Educational Needs - increased Donec aliquet. Impaired Mobility- True His difficulty voiding finally motivated him to seek care. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. - Assure patient that he is in a safe environment. - Administer IV antibiotics The company says it also treats alcohol addiction, and a range of mental health disorders that can go hand-in-hand with drug and alcohol abuse. Sarah Getts. She is very excited about the surgery but is also apprehensive. She said the company had a six month provisional license to operate when it opened, and can get an additional provisional license or a full license which expires in two years. - Knowledge deficit Key Term keaton henderson swift river; Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Srol Med Surg Female and Male patients: Female mobility- True his difficulty voiding finally motivated him to seek.. Con, or nec facilisis Increased Donec aliquet largest buyer of AD syringes, 40. 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