.. Click white arrows bottom right of his MyPage, BrucePowell, Newsletter Editor andWebmasterofcentaursinvietnam.org, "I came across a completed auction record, that appears to relate to the 'Centaurs' There were about 50 photos in various conditions, having removed, long shots, locals and poor condition types, I have tidied up 27 to a reasonable level. (February 1968 to February 1969), "H" Co., 75th Rangers (Att. EFR CPR/AED; DAN Diver Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) Altitude Diver; Aware - Coral Reef Conservation Diver; Aware - Fish ID; Boat Diver; Deep Diver; Digital Underwater Photographer; Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) Diver; Drift . and Young" This site is dedicated to those that gave their all in service of their country in South Vietnam. ENLIST. Several First Team Veterans contributed data and input to this project and they deserve our collective thanks. We took the opportunity to visit the Cavs squadron area at Schofield Barracks in the hope we could secure some of the squadrons newest shirts/hats. Air mobility. The next day much to everyones surprise we were all given impact awards from the I Corp Commander, I dont remember any Marines at the ceremony. DOUGHERTY ROBERT JOSEPH PFC 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav GRANADO-AVILES ALFREDO D CPL 19681201 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Thanks to Maureen Martin, JoAnne Jones and Don Borey for their great photos and movies that were used in making the After Action Video. to 1st Air Cav. I expended the mini-gun, some four thousand rounds shooting the tree line some 250 yards away. Div. Gary Hatfield Captain UH-1D Slick Pilot does a video interview at the Mesa, Arizona Centaur Reunion, telling about his arriving with D Troop in country and settling in at Cu Chi. Pete continues to search for Voorhees. Does anyone have a copy of that? Michael J. Kramarczyk Sr SP4 Aerorifleman and Slick Door Gunner May 1965 to Sep 1966 died on 25 November 2022. WILKERSON GEORGE OLIVER SSG 19700609 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Need: David Hopper Guests; Sandy Baisden and Guests; Susan Kennedy; Jan White's son. Some browsers may try to block Wayback or say it is not a secure website. ..Bad links, misspelled names, story corrections, incorrect spelling or dates, and so on. Our heartfelt thanks to the current Troopers of the 3/4 Cav for their recognition of all us old guys! It is suspected that the photos belong to Kim Schmidgall. Blane Kirby was on his last month in country and pulling duty as the Tan My Air Traffic Controller. WOMACK ROY ARNOLD SGT 19690330 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav SOMERS FRANK J SSG 19670125 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav The first Army aviator to be awarded the Medal of Honorin the Vietnam Warwas a member of the 227th Aviation Battalion. MALONEY DANIEL JOSEPH SGT 19700708 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav It's the only picture I have ever seen of him. ", Rick Williams 1LT Gun Pilot 1967-68: "I get the VFW Magazine which I seldom read, but I did stumble across one little tidbit that I didnt know. "I just found your website Centaurs in Vietnam. An apology: Enforcing our strict rules for identifying those who served as Centaurs can sometimes be unintentionally frustrating & hurtful. My son had given me a flight jacket similar to the one we wore so many years ago. Everyone recognizes the 1st Cav patch on my right shoulder from the first part of my tour, but Skewered, "I just found your website Centaurs in Vietnam. LEWIS RONALD EUGENE PFC 19661004 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Every effort was made to make this list as accurate as possible using the resources available. Cav. It is awarded for extraordinary heroism: While engaged in action against an enemy of the United States; This means that anyone able was running to a seat in their aircraft to take off. Gary is now in contact with Gary Brown's son Eric. On November 14, 1965, 450 American soldiers of the 1st Air Cavalry Division were airlifted by helicopter to this valley with the intention of locating and eliminating . Please contact Webmaster if you have any information. KENAGA GARY LYLE PFC 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav 302 billion pages saved over the past two decades, Interesting thing happened the other day . Suddenly there was a very loud banging on my door. During the Vietnam War, the 101st Airborne Division fought in several major campaigns and battles, including the Battle of Hamburger Hill in May 1969. GUYETT GEORGE ERVIN SP4 19680509 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav His last correspondence with us was in January 2009. Imagine how much better our website would be if at least every year or so, every Centaur took the time to review their information, and that of the men they served with, and recommend corrections to be made. Those of you who attended, please go back through your photos and see if you can't help us out here. Kenneth W. Davis SP4 Slick Crew Chief is identified by David Stromberg in photo #20 of Bruce Hinds Photo album. Randy Baisden SP4 LOH Scout Platoon NCO Dec 71 to Dec 72 now has an updated MyPage using a photo from the 2022 Centaur Reunion. Left voicemail message for him (Colorado). Div. Let Us Not Forget Them. Talk to me - powellcentaur@gmail.com. But we have no confirmation. Two companies of Troopers remained on the hill while two other companies initiated an attack to the south toward the Khe Sanh Hamlet. send info to powellcentaur@gmailcom. Note the configuration of his Huey with minigun door gun and Xeon light. The fighting was intense. DAVIS WILLIE EDWARD PFC 19660218 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Also added to Bill Byers page. Added to the War Stories Video Page. 42nd infantry division ww2 roster. Today, the HCD is used for ceremonial and recruitment purposes and preserves the division's horseback-riding roots. Hospitality Room, free breakfast. Just email any comments (or photos) to the Webmaster (powellcentaur@gmail.com) and he will post them for you, and link them to the mans name on the Roster. The 1st Air Cavalry Division Memoirs of the First Team, Vietnam, August 1965- December 1969 Hardcover - February 12, 1970 by Major J.D. Combat Trooper. Can you name any of the Cobra Crew Chiefs in this Bill Malloy pic 1973 at Tan My? Edward G. Sojda SP4 1972 died 11 January 2023. The Wayback Machine: This will blow you away! WHITE JOHN ARTHUR SGT 19700505 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav CHANDLER CHARLES WILLIAM CPT 19690426 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav As of October 2017, the 1st Cavalry Division is subordinate to III Corps and is commanded by Major General Paul T. Calvert. To my knowledge all Cobra crewmen were awarded DFCs", Stephen Hugh Lane SP5 Lead Clerk Jan 1969 to Sep 1970, MOS 67N20 has checked in and joined the 3/4 Cav Chapter. Warm AIR 4 Winter . On Bill's MyPage click the white arrows in lower right to see this pic as his MP1. Dwight is currently the Vice President of the 3/4 Cav Chapter. The 1st Cavalry Division (AIRMOBILE) during the Vietnam War was no exception to that standard. He was the Webmaster of our site for many years, spending countless hours, and dollars, trying to reach all of our Centaur veterans and continuing expanding our website. The Mystery of Australian CPL Phillip John McGuire (1972-73). Story added to Wars Story Discussion page and to both MyPages. ), "I" Co., 75th Rangers (Att. If you have any questions about filling out the form call SFC Chandler at 254-288-2601. (USIA) EXACT DATE SHOT UNKNOWN NARA FILE #: 306-MVP-15-10 WAR & CONFLICT BOOK #: 400 RM DP03HP - 1st Cavalry Division Museum, Ft Hood, Texas We need a Nam photo of him. Amazing the people I run into when I wear it. Because it is a dead ebay auction, we do not have details of the ebayseller or buyer. Planning in progress. powellcentaur@gmail.com, Cary Bacon checks in with a new address in Winnsboro, TX. 1050. 1st Cavalry Division Distinguished Service Cross Vietnam War Recipients The names of the 145 Troopers of the 1st Cavalry Division who were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for actions during the Vietnam War are listed below. ROSEN PATRICK DEAN CPL 19701105 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav He is mentioned in Joe Hoover's Sapper Attack Story. RF JTNXBY - One of the unique pieces of equipment brought to Vietnam by the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), U.S. Army, is the huge Sky Crane CH-54A helicopter which can lift tremendous loads. DERRICK ROBERT ALLEN SGT 19701103 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav TAYLOR THEODORE F JR PFC 19660211 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav BEERES GEORGE KEVIN SP4 19660211 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Shop 173rd ABN Airborne Brigade Sky Soldiers Vietnam Poster created by willeboy. Do you have anyone who knew him and could tell me more about him? Everyone recognizes the 1st Cav patch on my right shoulder from the first part of my tour, but Skewered . 173rd airborne vietnam roster 27 Feb. 173rd airborne vietnam roster. "Blackhat" ATC - 1971-72 was the radio call sign for the makeshift control tower (a water tower) for Tan My Airfield. Many thanks to all the many of you who already do that for us! The AH-1 Helicopter Name - Conflict of Tradition? Howard K. "Keith" Rice CW2 Aerorifles Pilot 1968 died 14 December 2022 from terminal cancer. Do not wait until you are in the field to get your haircut. (February 1968 to February 1969), "H" Co., 75th Rangers (Att. COSTANTINI FRANK JOSEPH JR PFC 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Division (December 1968 to August 1969), Robert Wiktorski, 22, SP/4 (E-4), "C" Co., 2/12 Air Cav. Roger was corrected to "Rodger" Clark; Daniel Czeipiel name corrected to "Czepiel". F Troop - 8th Cav Blueghost F Troop - 8th Cav Blueghost site#2 9th_Avn_Bn_9th ID . Added links to Sapper Attack stories to his MyPage. Mike went through the Army's Shotgun (Door Gunner) program on his way to Nam. Have you checked out the 3/4 Cav Website Sales Store lately? Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Advanced Training. His name is added to a graphic showing crewmembers in the Lady Ace Rescue Video where he flew as the Observer for Pete Holmberg on the first couple of day missions. powellcentaur@gmail.com, Thomas Finnie SGT Aerorifles 1971, checks in and tells us about Thomas M. Vreeland dying. As I remember the daynumerous attempts to rescue the down crew were made. This system, similiar to Stabo and McGuire rigs, is called JOES (Jungle Operations Extraction System). RM2B00WAK - Vietnam: US airborne forces dismounting from helicopters during the initial stages of the Battle for the Ia Drang Valley, 1965. (E-5), "B" Co., 5/7 Air Cav. CRYAR MICHAEL GEORGE PVT 19660522 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav BrucePowell, Newsletter Editor andWebmasterofcentaursinvietnam.org He is on our Centaur Roster, but not listed in the 3/4 Roster. Can you provide us with any photos or information that we can use to create a MyPage for him? The Vets Day Parade in Mesa, Arizona was rewarding event for many, especially Don. Through articles in the 1st Cavalry Division SABER newsletter, input was also solicited from individual members, unit contacts, and unit historians of the 1st Cavalry Division Association. I cant comment on Birdwells statement about grabbing an M60 out of Golds aircraft because it was all behind me. NOTE: If you click on Manage Cookie Settings instead of Accept All Cookies, then Accept Selection, you can avoid the BonusPrint Website marketing cookies. James Voorhees was given a draft website in Jun of 2018, but for some reason it never made it to the website. Be sure to go to his Obit page on the internet and click on the 15 min Tribute movie (click & scroll down to movie), See "Our Great XO Moose" story by Geoff Zorger & others. RIGG WILLIAM CECIL PFC 19660218 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav As purple smoke was released, it rises to mark a safe LZ landing zone, Soldiers of the 1st Air Cavalry Division standby as a UH-1D helicopter lands with a squad of soldiers aboard . The 1st Cavalry Division (AIRMOBILE) was the only major unit to execute operations in all four Corps Tactical Zones (CTZs), Cambodia, and Laos. More After Action from the 2022 Centaur Vets Day Reunion In Mesa, Arizona: This is a Slideshow of the folks who attended this great reunion. For such a small effort you can provide a wonderful and caring gift. JOHNSON WELLINGTON M PFC 19670621 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Project Sky Trooper was compiled and organized by MSG (Ret) Daniel P. Gillotti. Although most were, not all of these photos were taken by me personally. Welcome Home 50 Years Later by Don Borey. Chris McKay and Blane Kirby performed duties as Air Traffic Controllers. Link added to Don Phillips and John Taylor MyPages and film added to the War Stories Video Page. It is not too far out to be thinking about it. Some real nice things like these coins. 1st Cavalry Division at An Khe, Vietnam - YouTube 0:00 / 3:28 1st Cavalry Division at An Khe, Vietnam 6,258 views Dec 13, 2013 1st Cavalry Division at An Khe, Vietnam (1966). Gaylen flew Chinooks on his second tour and went on to be President Nixon's pilot in "Army One" 1970-1974. Fill out the provided DD Form 2536 and email it to: SFC Kristin M. Chandler at usarmy.hood.1-cd.mbx.1cd-division-comrel@mail.mil. MYERS OLIVER WENDELL PFC 19670411 B Co 1st Bn 5th Cav Check it out. D Troop as we knew it, is now Dakota Troop (still Centaurs) and their responsibility is maintenance. the Vietnam War plans and because the loss happened near a Japanese At 21:00 the 1st Air Cavalry selected coordinates for B-52 strike in Code YA 870000, YA 830000, YA 830070, YA 870070 with alternative targets (in Code) YA 8607, YA 9007, YA 9000, YA 8600. accidentally - the exact technology has changed over the decades, but Its vital signs are . The history of the 1st Cavalry Division began in 1921 after the army established a permanent cavalry division table of organization and equipment on 4 April 1921. It does not have to be a literary master piece. Be sure to see Randy's Reunion Videos below (Lady Ace Rescue Video & Quack Quack), Peter "Pete" Holmberg 1LT LOH Scout Pilot Feb 72 to Sept 72 now has an updated MyPage using a photo from the 2022 Centaur Reunion. Keith was one of the few pilots to ever survive over 200 hits in his aircraft on a single mission. 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Kramarczyk Sr SP4 Aerorifleman and Slick Door Gunner May 1965 to Sep 1966 on...: Enforcing 1st air cavalry division vietnam roster strict rules for identifying those who served as Centaurs can sometimes be unintentionally frustrating hurtful. 11 January 2023 especially Don Parade in Mesa, Arizona was rewarding event for many, especially Don checked the! & hurtful died 11 January 2023 ; s horseback-riding roots the initial stages of the ebayseller or buyer my.. Your website Centaurs in Vietnam collective thanks it was all behind me statement about grabbing M60! Be thinking about it in service of their country in South Vietnam Crew made... On Bill 's MyPage click the white arrows in lower right to see this pic as his MP1 will you.