working for companies owned by plymouth brethren

Archer Marketing also operate from the same business premises as a company called Orka Safety. He would call meetings that would start when it suited him and ended when it suited him, even if they over ran by 2 hours. Director of Meraki Global Investments with Dean Hales the cousin of Gareth & Charles Hales (owners of Sante Global LLP & formerly Unispace Global), Director of Meraki Global Investments with Lee Hazell the brother of Anthony Hazell (director of Unispace Global & named in some of the Sante companies), Director of Meraki Global Investments with Myles Woodcock the son of Garth Woodcock (co founder of Unispace Global), Agile Group Holdings Ltd alongside Anita Glass, Receptek Ltd alongside Anita Glass incorporated back in 2006. Oska Care links to Unispace through Garth Woodcock, they are a UK wide business owned by the Woodcock family, the head office is listed as in London with offices in Portsmouth, Derby & Aberdeen. Dermott is an ex director of Causeway Vision. Sign up to our newsletter (and get a free edition posted to you). There was just one catch. Another company called Tower Supplies, based in Dorset, appears to have been awarded more than 40 million in two contracts to supply PPE. It is common knowledge that small business is the backbone of the economies of many Western countries. Vista 4 also lists Richard Farrant as a director, along with ex director Mark Barter. It's fine if none of the Bretheren are there because, well, what they don't know won't hurt them but they'll be offended at worst if they catch you. They are cousins of Unispace co founders Garth Woodcock & Cyril Parsons, they are also cousins of Roger Parsons of Ascot Signs. This dates back to a past church leader, called the Man of God, who was an alcoholic. They list just one director Nathan Whitbourn, he is also an ex director of Jesmond Construction where we find Doug Cowie of Orcagel as a director. But then, being derogatory isnt very Christian, so probably not. Were the elaborate rules that still stand today established to ensure good and proper Christian living? The Exclusive Brethren is a subset of a Christian group, often described as Plymouth Brethren in the UK. They are all very close. In 2012, the Exclusive Brethren became known as the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. Use of Technologies It was awarded a 416,000 contract to supply PPE to Leeds City Council. Oska Care won two contracts with NHS Scotland for the supply of beds & mattresses. Somebody call Jeff Weiner. Active. The business is owned by the Temple family and lists David & Maurice Temple as directors. Whilst I worked for the company of approximately 55 people, 75% of employees were community members. The company provide workwear and lists three directors Gerard & Richard Simmonds and Roy Jones. Director Garth Woodcock is also a director at Unispace Scotland Ltd, which appears to be part of the Unispace Global Ltd network. Then again, I also remember how they went from technology is evil to Steve, the servers down in a year because their great leader saw how much they were falling behind in business without computers, and decided to change the EB rulebook. Meanwhile, a Nick Walker is named as a trustee of OneSchool Global UK Knockloughrim Campus, which is part of the Focus Learning Trust. In Australia alone, our history spans more than 100 years, and we have more than 15,000 members who gather at . You just need to be aware of the cultural/religious differences; the ones you will notice most are the eating separately (which you are already aware of) and they don't take well to swearing in the workplace. Within 4 weeks she had disappeared, never to be seen again. The Gray's did previously had a company in Stockport, Cheshire called J.P. Glass Ltd which was dissolved in 2017. We wanted to find out, were they suitable companies in terms of expertise? For many, leaving their family simply isnt a choice. CMT Equipment is a Belverdere based, industrial & PPE supplies business. If youre not judgemental and know how to get on with a range of people, you can probably carve out quite a nice secure career with them as an ally. It meant no TV, radio or recorded music, no pets, parties . They also won't refer to themselves as Exclusive Brethren - at least not in my experience. Dick Blackledge is also a former director of UBT (EU) and was a director at the same time as Charles Hathorn & Garth Christie. Youd be alone for the first time in your life. The Magee brothers who are directors of the company are Paul, Marcus & Alan. As others have mentioned, they probably won't get pop culture references as they have limited access to TV, Internet etc. With computer usage now a necessity in any business, God fortuitously changed his mind in 2005 and made them OK for business use. We have now investigated 10 of the 54 companies, these 10 companies have been awarded an amazing total of 2.02 billion in covid related government contracts. If there are any close links between the brethren member companies and the hardest question of all was there any connection to the UK government? how to remove stains from silicone spatula; mississauga rebels home arena; It is an interesting contract, as it does not readily appear when searching the UK Govt contract finder website and it involves another Plymouth Brethren Member ran company, Sterilabs based in Harrogate. And, just like in any office, there were those eager to please and those happy to drift by fulfilling the bare minimum. So, what gives? Youd be walking into hell, right? They don't appear to be a limited company as no record can be found on companies house. Purchase a skimpy $15 top or $19 skirt from trendy but budget-conscious clothing retailer Forever 21 and you may notice "John 3:16" printed on your shopping bag. Traxx Tyres also shares registered company address with Sante Global LLP. It is true that as a rule the PlymouthBrethren generally have been cautious in embracing new technologies brought about through the digital age. also involved in a dispute with one of his local councillors. THE TRUSTEE FOR THE CHRISTIAN BRETHREN TRUST. The worldwide leader of the Exclusive Brethren, having ruled since his father John Hales died in January 2002, he had a penchant. At least 180 million and up to 300 million in ventilator and PPE contracts appear to have been awarded to companies linked to an evangelical movement described as a cult by former members which has multiple ties to the Conservative Party, Byline Times can reveal. It says that the School is generously supported via the donation of time and financial support by the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. The sect, whose members are subject to strict disciplinary practices, enjoys tax reliefs and rebates reportedly worth as much as 11 million a year. Current directors are Andrew, Graeme & Roger Paterson. This business was based out of the same premises as another brethren PPE contract winning company Lovair Property. John Nelson Darby, a former clergyman in the Church of Ireland (Anglican), soon . The Milton Keynes based Carlton Packaging is owned by the Magee family. If you can get past the beliefs and the customs I would have no issue working for them. Walking away from the people you love, who will never understand your decision. David Temple is an ex director of Nexus Team and the Breckland Park School Ltd alongside Stephen Turner of Southgate Global. It doesnt sound like a bad life. By our reckoning contracts have been awarded to 54 companies and now total well over 2.2 Billion, that is correct over 2.2 Billion! Global Consortium Ltd - Other transactions - Stadir Limited, Reviewing the shareholders above shows many are listed as employees of Blueleaf, have further Ltd companies and connections to other Brethren member companies that were awarded Covid contracts. Ocura Healthcare Furniture is a healthcare seating & furniture supplier based in Kent & Aberdeenshire. Bruce Hales was a paunchy office furniture salesman from Sydney. Even the small ones, like having a peruse on social media, listening to music, reading the news, zoning out in front of Netflix, growing a beard or tying your hair up You get to wake up day after day and make that choice. Dick. Or was the Draconian code enforced to make people comply by limiting free thinking? Meanwhile, a Ross Robertson is the director and shareholder at Medco Solutions, which was awarded more than 10 million in two contracts to supply face masks and garments for biological protection. Linkedin now shows Lee Hazell (brother of Anthony Hazell) as Medco Solutions, Commercial Director. He mentioned that they just do a couple of slightly 'odd' things from a workplace p.o.v e.g. Creative Activity are a provider of childcare & educational equipment based in Derry, Northern Ireland, with offices in Kirkcaldy & Dublin. I dread to think how much she was underpaid. Figuratively speaking of course. There is a large Plymouth bretheren community locally. Kingsbury Press Ltd is a micro business owned by the Layton family and showing 16k worth of assets. If you were to act on this, you would be walking out on your family, your friends, your job and everything you have ever known. Ill look after your email address real good. Press J to jump to the feed. AES Industrial supplies are based at the same business premises as Oxford Safety Supplies in Didcot. These 8 companies all have close contacts to either Unispace Global/Sante Global LLP or Medco Solutions. These are all companies set up by the Andrews family. They was very supportive and provided a fantastic, structured, secure place to work. Robert Halfon, Michael Ellis and Fiona Bruce all received support or attended social events hosted by the group. Garth Parsons is a former director of Larchcroft Trading alongside Christopher Napthine. Why people who want whats best for themselves dont understand the actions of people who want whats best for all. ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL BRETHREN CHURCH. Belonging to the Church does not providespecial exemptions, privileges, concessions, tax breaks, etc. I don't think there's a huge issue with working for them. 29 Jun 2021. Unispace Global Ltd was awarded a more than 108 million contract on 16 May for garments for biological or chemical protection. Recent filings for PLYMOUTH BRETHREN CHRISTIAN CHURCH (NEW ZEALAND) LIMITED. Bronze Architecture based in Rackheath, Norwich. Ralph Lewis was very active on his linkedin account throughout the pandemic, regularly highlighting potential business for both themselves and other brethren member businesses. Techniclean Holdings Limited owns more than 75% of the shares, and Micheal Wyatt Barter is a director, with more than 25% of shares and voting rights. The UK business comes under Global Design Concepts UK and is headed up by the Gray family based in Dublin. we were told that the rules had been Changed and females were allowed to wear trousers . they are generally lovely, kind generous, happy people. The links to Unispace/Sante Global continues for Medco Solutions. There would also appear to be family connections to Brymec Ltd, Brymec are located in the adjacent unit to Bryson Products in Coulsden. At the start of 2020 just prior to the pandemic, two brothers Ross Robertson and Luke Robertson founded a new business that would turnover hundreds of millions in the first 2 years. They also have an office in Colchester. So they won't be trying to convert you etc. If youre wondering what the common denominator is, you need not look further than their penises. Farr is yet another listed as an ex director of Novus Trading. Prior to the pandemic this appeared to be predominantly in relation to trolleys and drawer consumable for the trolleys. PlymouthBrethren assist each other to establish businesses and provide sustainable employment in full compliance with all legal obligations. Director Kenneth James is an ex director of the now dissolved Silverdale Projects Ltd. The company based in Plymouth, is a safety wear & PPE company ran by the Burtenshaw's. I wouldn't personally work for them because I have ethical problems with the cult aspects of their organization eg shunning and with their attitude to girl children under their care, and also with shit like this. Yeah you will have no problem, just be aware that down the track they might replace you with a Brethren person. All three businesses link to other Brethren members. It's quite a source of pride. 78 Ratings. We now have a community of over 50,000 members across Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the Americas and UK. They will refer to themselves as "community members". Most of them don't like swearing either so try not to do that. The contract awarded to Sante Global Ltd is for a total of 271,500,000 which would bring the total won by Unispace/Sante Global to a staggering 950 million. Find out more about us. Sam formerly worked for Traxx Tyres, this has links to various winners of covid contracts. Forever 21. Director Consent Form view. In addition, the religious group owns many gospel halls up and down the UK. In fact, I still have the pending friend request from Dick on FaceBook today. Lovair are a commercial bathroom & washroom company based in Stockport and now under the name The Splash Lab, the business is owned by Fraser & Justin Lovell. You might not be allowed any contact with family ever again (unless you wanted to rejoin). Inivos the Peterborough & Kings Lynn based company is an infection prevention & control business who did very well out of the pandemic supplying PPE. But, holidays or time off just dont exist in Brethren life. Given considerable concern about the billions spent on PPE contracts during the Coronavirus crisis without competitive tendering much of which appears to have gone to Conservative friends and donors this new revelation suggests an ever narrower sectional interest when it comes to public funds. To pay my way, I found myself working as a temp for a construction company. Women mustnt wear trousers or make-up. Cyril Parsons left the business in 2015. In my experience they are great to deal with, and they have well run and financially successfully businesses and that money is going back into the local community in one way or another. He spoke of a desire to live the city life in a skyscraper and wanted to see the world, but knew he never would. Goodbye evolution). The Antrim based Snack business owned by the Walker family were one of the biggest brethren winners and link closely to other Northern Ireland & Scotland brethren ran companies. Ascot Signs Ltd are based in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Published: Invalid Date, BORN into the controversial Exclusive Brethren cult that outlaws birthdays, pop music and women wearing trousers or make-up, Jessie Shedden, 34, needed every ounce of courage to plan her escape. The Stewards' trust was established in 1919 to provide financial support to Brethren assemblies, and currently owns around 150 of the 200-odd Brethren assembly properties in New Zealand. Members of the PBCC refer to themselves as 'the community'. If you were to research Ross & Luke Robertson, looking at their profiles on Linkedin, you will find that their career history would not show Unispace, Snaffle or Office Principles. The company is owned by the Blackledge family and the business was awarded a number of contracts during the pandemic. However the contract shows that this contract was a supplier group with Sante Global LLP. Charles Allen Campbell is a trustee at The Bloomhill Trust, another OSG member. Plus, it was far more established and structured than another small company I had previously worked for. So, you can guess what else shes never done. It just seemed, well, non-optional. Linkedin shows the business is run by the Doughty family with Phil, Joel, Alan, Elliott & Kelsey all listed as employees. Under the leadership of Bruce Hales the Plymouth Brethren Church and its member have becoming extremely focused on commercial activities, tax efficiencies and it could be argued that the focus has switched . Well, heres where it gets tricky. Richard (Dick) Blackledge is also a former director of JMA Trading, JCA Trading & PAA Trading. Linkedins strapline needs updating. A matter of fact, yet oddly humorous them and us description was delivered. No support, no previous experience in the wider world. Youve been brought up your whole life believing that your little sect is right and the rest of the world is wrong & going to hell. She was not replaced. We use some essential cookies to make our services work. Entity Name. Director Andrew Walker is an ex director of Causeway Vision Ltd.Causeway Vision also includes Garth White as a current director & Dermott McMullan & Dale Paterson as ex directors. GDC Healthcare or Global Design Concepts are a Dublin based interior design company. Its already got to take a lot to make you even consider walking away from that. Secondly, the church doesnt make it all that easy to leave. On reflection my initial impressions were undeniably naive. WTF is BBN I thought. Now, imagine for a second that those choices are taken away. Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (Exclusive Brethren) 2015. Tower Supplies are based in Poole, Dorset where they specialise in safety & PPE supplies. Graeme was formerly a director of Midway Design & Build alongside Dale Paterson & Roger Lewis. It was a role that ate at his conscience. I know a few people who got out. My dad works for Bretheren. They add a further 570 million in covid contracts to the total awarded to companies owned by members of the Plymouth Brethren. If we go back, one of the many questions is how and why the contracts were awarded? Each Gospel hall trust is autonomous and is run by its own board of trustees. Plymouth Owners Club P.O Box 416 Cavalier, North Dakota 58220-0416 New membership: $28/year Renewals: $26/year Membership: 3,200. Martin is a relation of Plymouth Brethren Church leader Bruce Hales. Ill give some pseudo names Lets call the hard worker Aidan and the other one (I cant think of a polite word to describe him) Dick. I deal a lot with the Brethren community in my job. Kingsbury Press are a printing firm based in Doncaster. This is one of many examples of the groups lobbying activities, that have seen it able to mobilise the support of hundreds of MPs and raise millions of pounds. Pinnacle EU appears to be a fund raiser for OneSchoolGlobal, though their website only goes back to 2015 under the Focus School banner. He would miss meetings and return to the office with his hair freshly cut. People are talking about not mentioning alcohol. Another contract with Liverpool council was awarded worth 106,000,000 to seven suppliers including Arrow County Supplies and another brethren member business Streamline Corporate. He cared deeply for his family and did all he could to help them out financially (even though he was in his very early 20s). The two things he found weird when interviewing was the swearing thing that's been mentioned but also you're not allowed music playing At all. In January this year, he was accused of assault by two former members on a public street next to his fathers mansion in Australia, where he lives next door. Many of the men personally invested in the business worked extremely long hours. All Plymouth Brethren are required to live a lifestyle that is compatible with Scriptural teaching, one which is based upon key principles of simplicity, humility, and charitable giving. Overall tax efficiencies on construction & development must be very profitable for brethren companies and members. PlymouthBrethren businesses would typically be considered good corporate citizens. Bob Oliver is a former director of ACAD trading with Alfred Soulsby of CID Products. Children must continue to live with their parents until they are married. All businesses owned by Plymouth Brethren operate independently of the Church and do not fund the Church. He liked to be in charge, things had to be done his way. Frederick Raven became leader of the Exclusive Brethren when Darby died in 1882. WPC Club P.O. Bryson Products Ltd are located in Coulsden, Surrey. New to Byline Times? In fact, Im sure I know a few women who would aspire for that life. Though Tower Supplies does not appear to be a limited company the Aris's are named as directors of a number of businesses including Vista 4, where Jonathan is listed as a current director. We were established in the early nineteenth century in Plymouth, southern England. They are sometimes permitted (supposedly by the Elders) to go visit family that live abroad, but this is pending approval. Bruce Hales like his father is a businessman, the Brethren members have built a network of businesses that are predominantly based in Australia, UK, New Zealand, USA, Canada but can also be found in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden & Argentina. Working for Brethren company Hi I have recently got an opportunity to work for a company whose employees and management are Christian Brethren (the recruiter mentioned the word Brethren and to look it up). According to its website, the OSG operates 130 campuses with 2,500 staff across 21 countries. It would seem hospitals are an exception). There are a number of links to other Brethren businesses including Ocura Healthcare Furniture director Christopher Doughty whose linkedin profile includes an endorsement for management from Joel Doughty. I have worked for a company in Glasgow for a long time now and try are very good people to work for! Firstly, imagine youre born into it. It was awarded on the 5th September 2021 and published on the 16th September 2021. ABOUT THE PLYMOUTH BRETHREN CHRISTIAN CHURCH. This was no ordinary construction company. Nexus Team is the company that supports Campus & Co at the OneSchool Global campus in Swaffham. Thanks brethrens! Long story short, church people are generally good with money, so if you can tolerate religious people in general, theyre pretty good to stick with. Your trust is our top concern, so companies can't alter or remove reviews. Russell, Timothy & Wayne Lynes are the directors of the Lynes family business. Based in West Sussex with offices in Chatham, Derby & Canada. According to the Charity Commission, Greenfield Gospel Hall Trust is part of the Brethren network. He was curious by nature. Plymouth Brethren members are also involved in the import and resale of hardware for industry, such as welding equipment. Part 1 - Profit or Prophet Unispace/Sante, Part 2 - Profit or Prophet Medco Solutions. At the start of the pandemic in March 2020 Unispace Global was a global interior design business, incorporated in the UK back in July 2011 by brother in laws Cyril Parsons & Garth Woodcock, under the name of Jemc Ltd, each holding a 50% share in the company, a month later in August 2011 they changed the name to Unispace Global Ltd. The employees of Unispace have moved to other brethren companies following the sale, many have moved to Sante. Box 3504 Kalamazoo, Michigan 49003-3504 269-375-5535 (fax) Dues: $35/year; Membership: 4,000. It is one of the contract winners, that is worthy of much further investigation. And by this point, I would hope that you reader, have asked yourself this very question a number of times why wouldnt you just leave? They operate from the same premises as dissolved J.P. Glass (UK) operated, J.P Glass was owned by the Gray family, who now run GDC. Linkedin now shows Lee Hazell ( brother of Anthony Hazell ) as Solutions... Tv, Internet etc Ellis and Fiona Bruce all received support or attended events! ; the community & # x27 ; s quite a source of pride appeared to predominantly. & Wayne Lynes are the directors of the Exclusive Brethren when Darby died in 1882 ( Exclusive Brethren, ruled! In Poole, Dorset where they specialise in Safety & PPE company ran by the group you etc are... Aes industrial supplies are based in Poole, Dorset where they specialise in Safety PPE! Hardware for industry, such as welding equipment company called Orka Safety need not further! Abroad, but this is pending approval Care won two contracts with NHS Scotland for first. 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