multnomah county circuit court judges

She considers herself lucky, having been placed in foster care shortly after she was born, to have had a secure placement for all of her childhood. judge for the Multnomah County circuit court in Portland, OR. (how to identify a website) "Obviously, when he says, 'We won't appear before you,' that's not a trivial act," Jones says. Voters chose Adrian Brown (left) over Rima Ghandour (right) on Nov. 3, 2020. "Our criminal justice system is set up to give outsized power to district attorneys," says Bobbin Singh, executive director of the left-leaning Oregon Justice Resource Center. The matters are so incredibly personal to people. "In personal injury work, everyone you deal with is hurt. In his civil litigation practice, Judge Alexander handled everything from complex business litigation to plaintiff-side personal injury cases. Justice Adrienne Nelson Appointed to the US District Court of Oregon. Its not a job where you can just go through the motions - it takes dedication, long hours, and a drive to help others. But also, that this change requires a cross-systems approach that involves housing services, community organizations, and others. But the DA's office was committed to following the law to the letter. "She made me feel like I was a personand not just a case number, a person in the system, a criminal, an addict and an alcoholic.". Instead, she gave him a final chance. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. We'll send you a newsletter with what you need to know every week. She and other DISP judges repeatedly asked legislators to relax the law for defendants in treatment court. Multnomah Bar Association 2023. "Rod has a reputation among the district attorneys in the state as being a particularly careful and thoughtful guy," says Clatsop County DA Josh Marquis. All Rights Reserved. The man started crying out of frustration and fear, but he was still angry, too. Reentry 2030 is a national initiative Multnomah Bar Association 2023. writing, Multnomah Bar Association LSAT Preparation Course Scholarship - Apply Now! When she turned 18, she aged out of the foster care system and prepared her own adoption papers to formally have her foster parents adopt her. "She's very insightful and very bright," says her former law partner Mike Gutzler. related A judge, above all, is supposed to be fair and impartial. His then-4-year-old daughter sat in the back seat. Reentry is more than staying out of jail or prison; it also involves reuniting families, eliminating barriers to employment, finding stable housing, and much more. I wanted to be able to explain to somebody who is being sent to the hospital for restoration, for example, what thats going to look like.. For information regarding Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) , please visit Oregon State Legislature website. Matarazzo and other judges working on the DISP court saw the mandatory sentence as a barrier to getting defendants into the treatment court. After five years in criminal practice, Judge Alexander took a job as in-house litigation counsel with an energy company in Florida. Brown later joined the U.S. Air Force, which allowed her to secure a college education. The second year has concluded. When District Attorney Mike Schrunk retired in 2012 after three decades as the county's top prosecutor, he anointed as his successor the lanky Underhill, a keen cyclist who had spent his entire career in the DA's office and whose experience with criminal justice is personalhis younger brother is a convicted meth dealer. As a member of the bench, Judge Alexander knows that he is in a privileged position to give back to the community and contribute to ongoing efforts to make the justice system more accessible and effective for all the people it serves. Now I am able to understand the biorhythm of being a judge. Matarazzo pushed for the DA's office, now located in the courthouse, to be excluded, noting that it and the court represent two independent branches of government that should be separated. Louis; YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Oregon's recent criminal justice reform efforts have focused on reducing incarceration and limiting DAs' power. Judge McGuire approached the man, and I do not recall exactly what he said, but he was surprised to see that Judge McGuire was African American. Im hoping that as a country we begin to look at how do we create community? and good solutions for people who are struggling and vulnerable. Nonetheless, Underhill's office reacted with fury, and a story appeared in The Oregonian on March 10. She has already conducted many criminal trials and recently conducted her first civil trial in an employment discrimination case. But when she became the presiding judge of the mental health court and competency dockets in 2018, she quickly realized the need to expand her understanding of the mental health care opportunities and challenges for people in the criminal justice system. Center, At her investiture, her former colleagues spoke about her tenacious drive to protect the public and to pursue justice. Gov. Setting off on her next career, McGuire attended Lewis & Clark Law School, graduating in 1995. That is in adherence to the law. In other words, an affidavited judge is guilty until proven innocent. Family law is the most interesting law you can practice. Kate Brown. St. The 17-story building spans 450,000 square feet building, and cost $324 million. Waud entered the program in January 2011, after being arrested for driving 95 mph on a freeway while drunk. We will treat you with respect. Judge McGuire recalls presenting her papers to Judge Elizabeth Welch, who sent her back home to make corrections. Fleming "Two days before the memo came out, our informal poll had me at 20 to 17," Matarazzo says. chapter Its a positive thing to do. A fireplug with a big smile and cropped auburn hair, Matarazzo likes to cook Italian foodespecially cannolisand aspired to be a folk singer before she started her legal career. It gave me a structure and a different way to live a life.". Because if there's any truth to that statement, you don't belong on the bench.". I needed something more.". Complaints that Matarazzo improperly granted extensions to defendants in the DUII diversion program, which allows first-time offenders to avoid a conviction on their record. 1200 SW 1st Ave. Suite 3400, Portland OR 97204. In two of those cases, the Oregon Court of Appeals found Matarazzo had erred and reversed her rulings. In the DISP court, Matarazzo regularly clashed with prosecutors over the 90-day mandatory minimum prison sentences that state law requires for defendants convicted of three DUIIs in 10 years. The office still affidavits Litzenberger on some felony cases. Kate Brown (D) appointed Dahlin to the bench in August 2016. Active in civic life, Judge Moawad has previously served on multiple bar committees, and the boards of Mentor Minds Matter and Camp Rosenbaum. Justice Adrienne Nelson Appointed to the US District Court of Oregon. [1] Education Dahlin obtained a B.A. in Iniguez and Baggio were then appointed to represent Gul in his case filed in the DC District Court. It was a regular Friday afternoon at the Multnomah County Courthouse in the spring of 2018. Telephone and online services available. Its interesting - I feel like I have a different perspective. One of the things that Judge Anna Brown has said and that I have taken to heart is that you need to make sure that you take time for yourself. from In 1995, voters approved Measure 11, imposing mandatory minimum sentences for certain violent crimes and thereby limiting judicial discretion. The Improving Peoples Access to Community-Based Treatment, Supports, and Services grant program is expected to address a shortage of supports and services in local communities, from supportive housing to crisis stabilization units to medication and care coordination. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Our team works with states and local communities to develop cross-system solutions that help connect people in the justice system with the permanent housing and the supportive services they need. She won election to the bench in 2006 after 20 years of trying civil cases in private practice. In effect, Underhill had sidelined an independently elected member of another branch of government who did not work for him. All Rights Reserved. Attend a free virtual webinar, training, or event. Limited affordable housing options, coupled with policy barriers and stigmas associated with a criminal record, present significant challenges, particularly for people with behavioral health needs. Alexander (SA), 26 . in Veteran prosecutors say she's neither. "If you take a judge's discretion away," Matarazzo says, "you might as well get a computer and plug in all of the factors and spit out a result.". Even more, though, she still marvels at Judge Moawads tenacity in coming to the courthouse, bald from chemotherapy, ready to roll. In March, Judge Moawad will celebrate eight years since her last chemotherapy treatment. The story, which Matarazzo describes as "sensationalism," could have been written at nearly any time, she says, because DISP judges routinely take the risk of accepting offenders with three or more DUIIs into the program. Multnomah County Courthouse 1200 SW 1st Ave Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 971-274-0540, 971-274-0560 and 971-274-0600 Fax: 503-276-0906 Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday Services and Responsibilities: The Circuit Court is the principal record keeper for the courts. "If our statistics show us that the rate of recidivism is substantially less in a court-supervised program, I'm probably pretty pragmatic and going to give them a shot," she says. Ensuring peoples safe and successful transition from incarceration to the community is challenging and highly complex. "Prosecutors have an enormous amount of discretionand usually that's a good thing," says Lewis & Clark's Parry. Oden-Orr Law August 30, 2013. Matarazzo tried to suspend, break up or offer alternatives to the sentences so that someone who had racked up a third DUII could still avoid jail and get treatment. He had failed to meet some DISP requirements, and Matarazzo could have tossed him in jail. Anybody who is walking on the sidewalk, anyone who is in the bike laneis at considerable risk," Deputy District Attorney Mike Botthof said in court at the time, arguing for a harsher punishment. "I needed a change," she says. Were moving in the right direction. Such sentences sometimes cost people their jobs and their ability to pay for DISP court-ordered treatment. She was a finalist, but didn't get chosen by Gov. "I needed a change . Looking back, Judge Moawad says her work waiting tables between her time at Whittier College and beginning to attend law school at University of Oregon Law informs her in her current role presiding over cases. an "I don't think the DA's office belongs there," she says. On Aug. 27, the ACLU of Oregon launched an advocacy campaign that seeks to restrict the authority of the state's district attorneys, calling them "the most powerful people in the criminal justice system." In 2019, Governor Kate Brown appointed him to the Multnomah County Circuit Court. In the recent case of Synectic Ventures I, LLC v. EVI Corporation, 353 Or 62 (Dec . joining While a student at Lewis & Clark Law School, Lucero demonstrated a profound commitment to creating a more diverse and equitable legal community by tutoring fellow minority law students and serving on the admissions committee . I tried to explain the rules to the man myself, but he was very upset. A national initiative to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in jails, A data-driven initiative to help states prioritize spending for strategies that increase safety. Judge Nan Waller has served in the Multnomah County, Oregon, circuit court system for 30 years. Circuit court of Multnomah County, Oregon, "Multnomah County Unveils Spacious New Courthouse", "Multnomah County finds buyer for downtown courthouse", "Prosecutors' Decision to Cripple a Judge's Career Echoes a Larger Battle Over Criminal Justice Reform in Oregon",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Multnomah County Courthouse (Central Courthouse), located at 1200 SW 1st Ave, Portland, Juvenile Justice Center, 1401 NE 68th Ave, Portland, East County Courthouse, 18480 SE Stark St, Portland, Christopher Marshall, Chief Civil Court Judge, This page was last edited on 10 November 2022, at 18:47. The Honorable Amy Baggio: Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge The Honorable Amy Baggio: Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Newton, Court Liaison Committee Thursday, January 16, 2020 In March 2019, Governor Kate Brown appointed Amy M. Baggio to the Multnomah County Circuit Court. In 2009, while Schrunk was still district attorney, his office affidavited Marilyn Litzenberger, another Multnomah County circuit judge with very public views on judicial independence, and refused to allow her to hear any felony cases brought by the state. Eventually, they came to understand that he had likely been confused for Chaman Gul, a known warlord, who was also imprisoned at Guantanamo. from Multnomah County is the only county in Oregon with a court for repeat DUII offenders. Several of the judges were in a meeting away from the building, including my boss. We will respond to your questions about court procedure. From 2013 until her appointment to the bench, Judge Moawad served as the Governors Public Safety Policy Advisor, providing continuity in the role when Governor Brown assumed office. After one year at the MPD, Judge Baggio returned to the FPDs office where she worked from 2002 to 2013 for then-Federal Public Defender Steve Wax. If fundraising was any indicator, it was clear that both candidates really wanted the job, which pays about $154,700 a year. MFA Judges must be able to be straightforward with their role. the Our team works with states and local communities to reduce structural barriers and expand access to quality career technical education, training programs, and other workforce supports that increase employment opportunities for people with records. All rights reserved (About Us). I am truly thankful she was there when we needed her. While there, she represented hundreds of clients. When the Port closed the repair yard, she was offered a similar job in San Diego and so she went to California. Waud says he graduated from DISP in January 2014, two years early. Those listed include judges of the Oregon Supreme Court, the Oregon Tax Court, and the Oregon Court of Appeals at the state level. Judicial Profile: The Honorable Patricia McGuire - Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Lee Ann Donaldson, Court Liaison Committee Tuesday, April 21, 2020 It was a regular Friday afternoon at the Multnomah County Courthouse in the spring of 2018. "A result of this could be that judges will feel pressure not to disagree too much or too often with the DA's office.". In both of these capacities, Judge Waller advises on solution-oriented ideas related to improving competency to stand triala process designed to protect the rights of people who are unable to assist in their own defense that has become increasingly overburdened nationwide. That was Matarazzo's hope when she went on the bench. People are at a very emotional time in their lives. He told her none of the 81 lawyers in his office would ever try a case in front her again. Multnomah County Courthouse - 1200 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 97204 . Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Heidi Moawad took the bench in April 2019. Nobody on the panel vetting the Supreme Court candidates or in the governor's office could have missed it. Use Case Companion to look up an offender, 2023 | Multnomah County General Information Line: 503-823-4000, Property Records (including tax statements), Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. With her appointment, Judge Moawad returned to the same courthouse where she worked for the first decade-plus of her career as a Multnomah County prosecutor. As a family law judge, Judge McGuire oversees some estate and probate cases, and with her personal experience taking over a firm, she reminds lawyers to plan for the possibility that we could become incapacitated and unable to practice. The previous building, a century-old courthouse, was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. "My perception of most judges is, they are somewhat conflict averse," she says. Driven by the passion to understand the law and reach the right result, she reads everything before hearing cases. Arts This look-up tool connects you with Parole-Probation Officers (PPOs) for individuals under supervision with the Adult Services Division. "She probably should have been affidavited years ago.". Cesarean In the column at the far right, contact information for the subpoena clerk in the unit handling the case is shown. Senior Judge Jean Kerr Maurer, who administered Judge Moawads oath of office, was always impressed by Judge Moawads skills as a trial lawyer, her organizational ability, and her work ethic. Multnomah Bar Association LSAT Preparation Course Scholarship - Apply Now! The next day, Underhill's office delivered a 16-page memo alleging a decade of wrong decisions and improper behavior on her part. Multnomah Bar Association LSAT Preparation Course Scholarship - Apply Now! Because I am African American and partly because I am a native of Oregon, I can bring all these different perspectives to the bench. The Multnomah County Circuit Court, which composes the 4th Judicial District of the Oregon Circuit Court system, is the general jurisdiction trial court of Multnomah County, Oregon. One night, as he slept in a house belonging to a man rumored to be in cahoots with the Taliban, Gul was swept up by US soldiers under the cover of darkness and taken to Guantanamo via the Bagram Air Base. Each Oregon circuit court adopts Supplemental Local Rules (SLRs). It helps them with the rulings of the court. leader His case reinforced her belief that the rule of law including the fundamental rights guaranteed by our Constitution - are essential in the functioning of our justice system and in maintaining our very democracy. It draws from all the areas of law and you have to know about a lot of different things. holds Does that mean he thinks Matarazzo is the least qualified member on the Multnomah County bench? This feature is the second in a series under the Judges and Psychiatrists Leadership Initiative. With her appointment, Judge Moawad returned to the same courthouse where she worked for the first decade-plus of her career as a Multnomah County prosecutor. Judge Moawad is a Stage III breast cancer survivor, a challenge that gives her unparalleled knowledge about what it takes to appear in court as an advocate in the face of adversity. Elizabeth Fleming. The judges and staff of the Multnomah County Circuit Court make the following pledge to each litigant, defendant, victim, witness, juror and person involved in a court proceeding: We will listen to you. For over 100 years, the Multnomah Bar Association (MBA) has provided a forum for lawyers to gather together for collegiality, to improve the justice system, to provide law-related community service and to access services and benefits that strengthen professionalism, satisfaction and success. Thursday, March 12, 2020. Multnomah County Courthouse After graduation, she stayed in Winston- Salem and worked for a marketing and advertising firm for three years. It's not just Rodthere are a handful of judges who have been affidavited around the state. Their choices signal their priorities to police and the public. That's what DISP did for me. Early returns. Link: MBA Judicial Screening Process Link: MBA Application for Judicial Vacancy or click here for the Word version. "He does not leap before he looks.". Judge Eric Bloch, who ran the DISP court from 2003 to 2006, says he thinks Matarazzo's decisions fell within the parameters of treatment-court best practices and that Underhill's disagreement with her could have been resolved without the affidavit. Court records are maintained by theMultnomah County Circuit Court Records Department. That year, lawmakers approved modest reductions in mandatory sentencing. Underhill's office declined to say, but she is the only judge he has chosen to remove from all criminal and civil cases involving the state since taking office. At the states highest levels, Judge Moawad worked on criminal justice initiatives, including sentencing reforms, designed to balance public safety with the fiscal burden that would be triggered by the creation of additional prison beds. And, as mentioned above, Judge Baggio carried into her private practice principles she embraced from her experience representing Nazar Gul. Judge Alexander has spent many hours giving back to the community: as a board member of the Classroom Law Project, a mock trial coach at Jefferson High School and as a volunteer for local nonprofits. The government gains no benefit from failing to abide by our constitutional guarantees; to the contrary, when the government fails to follow its own laws, it sends a message to the citizenry that they need not respect the law either. It immediately put him more at ease. Looking back from a two-year perspective, the first year flew by. Although he's served for a far shorter period than many Oregon DAs, Underhill has earned his peers' respect. That kind of blanket rejection is extremely rare. "She's an excellent judge," Durham says, "and an excellent student of the law.". Family Court Services | 503-988-3189. Amy Baggio was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, into what she describes as incredibly lucky circumstances. (Submitted photos). If you asked Judge Alexander, he would say that becoming a member of the Multnomah County Circuit Court was the best way for him to give back to his community. Procedural justice is an integral part of every area of the courthouse. On that one Friday in the Spring of 2018, I experienced first-hand how Judge Patricia McGuire uses her unique perspective in service to the community as a Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge. 1200 SW 1st Ave. Suite 3400, Portland OR 97204. Weekend Lobby Hours Change at Inverness Jail Effective February 4. The memo makes perhaps its best case that Matarazzo has a bias against the state when it quotes her alleged reaction to the DA's decision to appeal a case in which she tried to avoid handing down a mandatory 90-day sentence. They can't state that any DA in the state is doing anything or operating in any way other than in accordance with the law.". and And, while she had the opportunity to be involved in high profile cases, such as the Malheur occupation trial where she represented Joseph OShaughnessy, Judge Baggio talks most passionately about the individuals who overcame experiences of abuse, neglect, and addiction to become inspirations to everyone whose lives they touch. "They use that discretion not to charge people or to bring lower charges than they could bring. Deescalating his emotions was crucial for me, and I brought him into our office next to the trial court administrator. Visual Circuit Court Judge. Multnomah Bar Association 2023. Judge Alexander felt called to serve because he wants to make a positive difference in the lives of people who come before the court. "I was a walking hurricane," he says. a "Rod is reflective of the Multnomah County community.". For over 100 years, the Multnomah Bar Association (MBA) has provided a forum for lawyers to gather together for collegiality, to improve the justice system, to provide law-related community service and to access services and benefits that strengthen professionalism, satisfaction and success. And after 11 years on the bench, Matarazzo was also hoping for a major step up. In many communities, correctional facilities provide more treatment for people with mental illnesses than community-based mental health providers do. It was sold in 2018 to NBP Capital for $28 million, who said it was "considering various creative uses" that would preserve the historic building. "People are recognizing more and more the power and influence that DAs have.". CSG We spend a lot of emphasis on procedural fairness and access to justice so people feel like they are heard. Judith Matarazzo is the presiding judge of the Court, serving with 37 others. City; Michael Yates, Court Liaison Committee. Washington Network, "This imbalance gives DAs and prosecutors enormous control.". After several minutes, one of the staff was able to find Judge Patricia McGuire. He worked at Markowitz Herbold PC, a boutique civil litigation firm, earning partnership in 2017. [1] The chief prosecutor is Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt . At that time Judge McGuire had been a family law judge for just around six months (appointed September 13, 2017), and had been a family law practitioner for several years. "She came up off her bench and pulled up a chair and talked with me at eye level," Waud recalls. Shes done this in her role as a sitting judge, but also in her participation in committees and task forces at the state and national level. "Anytime someone is faced with their own mortality [her second battle with cancer], it changes the way you see things. They (US officials) never took the time or effort to find it out All it would have taken was a phone call. Judge Baggio received awards from the ACLU of Oregon and American Jewish Committee for her work representing Gul. School in Matarazzo says she's come to believe that incarceration is often less effective than treatmentand she's voiced that view aggressively. Judge Moawad managed the governors offices response to emergency incidents, including the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, and the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation. I realized that we needed to build up our menu of what is available for people in the community and use the right level of support, she said. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Across the country, communities are struggling to address the high number of people with mental health needs cycling through the criminal justice system each year. An official website of the State of Oregon . and But while her candidacy was pending, Matarazzo allowed a nine-time DUII offender to enter DISP. She attributes working with her partners as being effective at showing her how to be a lawyer and practice law. These responses are best implemented as part of a larger comprehensive, coordinated system, informed by community crisis data, and led by a diverse group of community stakeholders. Judge McGuire took over the situation, explaining the rules, allowing him to express his concerns, and after going into the courtroom, getting on the record, he left feeling heard and understood, even if he did not have the restraining order hearing he was seeking. 1200 SW 1st Ave Judge Edward Jones, Multnomah County's chief criminal judge, says he's seen such a blanket affidavit filed only a handful of times in his 40-year legal career. People come into court one way and then they may leave another. In 2007, the government allowed Mr. Gul to leave Guantanamo. And shortly after Underhill announced the impending memo removing her from all criminal cases, she lost the vote for Multnomah County presiding judge to her colleague Stephen Bushong. She is also co-chair of the Oregon Chief Justices Behavioral Health Advisory Council and is a member of the National Judicial Task Force to Examine State Courts Response to Mental Illness. Your browser is out-of-date! Multnomah County Department of Community Justice Family Court Services toggle Menu 503-988-3189 TTY Relay Service: 711 Direct services to parents and others include: Intake Services "So I'm convinced that it created a problem for me there.". While in Salem, Judge Moawad also broadened her experience with public safety agencies and unexpectedly spent much of her time in that role marshalling the states responses and issuance of conflagration declarations in six consecutive summers of significant wildfires. International. "Everybody's going to think about it. As a judge, its a challenge he happily faces every day. He says he's become a different person. to In person reference services available with Countywide health and safety rules in place. The latest issues in state and local criminal justice. Since the Underhill memo in June, Matarazzo has not been allowed to take on any criminal cases, which make up the majority of the work in the Multnomah County Courthouse. Afterwards, Baggios co-counsel Iniguez told the press, Every single, minor detail he told us was corroborated. over Multnomah County Circuit Court . of Judge Moawad is excited for the opening of the new courthouse and to see how the new space will allow the court to achieve better efficiency and results, particularly in high-volume courts. Multnomah County Courthouse 1200 SW 1st Ave Portland, OR 97204 Phone 971-274-0570 Telephone hours are 8:30-10:30 am & 1:30-4:30 pm. Biorhythm of being a judge, its a challenge he happily faces day. 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