Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Caring for that many more inmates would cost taxpayers an extra $51 million, based on the per-day cost computed by the states legislative watchdog. If an offender wishes to travel to another state without moving to it permanently, he or she must seek the permission of his or her corrections agent prior to leaving the state. After being admitted to a correctional facility, some inmates may be assigned to the Regimented Inmate Discipline program, which is essentially a boot camp for first-time offenders. In the years since, reforms and an aggressive Parole Board, headed by a veteran law enforcement officer, reduced the number of inmates to the lowest level in two decades. To learn more about our cartoon syndication services. OCCU:9144 My thirty years of public service in law enforcement, with the courts, and on the parole board have provided me the opportunity to make a difference in many peoples lives, Pickett said in a letter. The Mississippi Parole Board has granted parole to Frederick Bell and lawmakers are raising red flags. We believe that an informed Mississippi is a better Mississippi. Mississippi is paroling fewer inmates now than it did before expanding parole eligibility in 2021. Actions, however, speak louder than words, he said. Using our services for any unlawful purposes are strictly prohibited. The entry level professional position with the State Board of Pardons and Paroles is Parole Officer. Oversees the review of inmates eligible for parole. The incumbent reviews pertinent inmate information, and prepares synopsis for the Parole Board so eligible inmates can be considered for parole in a timely manner. Pickett was reappointed by Governor Tate Reeves in 2020. Pay Grade: MS15. Information you can trust. Some have had to sleep on couches.Now, she said, only five of the 17 beds in the main halfway house are filled, and I am heartbroken as I believe there are so many more women who could benefit from our services that are not able to get out., Corrections Commissioner Burl Cain has expressed his full support for the Parole Board, despite the rising prison population, telling MCIR, We dont want gangsters getting out.. An inmate's maximum discharge date is defined as the date in which an offender will have served the entire length of his indeterminate sentence. Maintains a central registry of paroled inmates. Instead, the board wrote that it believes the ability or willingness to fulfill the obligations of a law-abiding citizen is lacking.. Any member of the board must possess at least a bachelor's degree or a high school diploma and four years' work experience. This allows for a ten-day reduction in sentence for every month that an inmate participates in an educational or vocational institutional program. Belk said Mississippis prison population is rising now because the board operates with a little more scrutiny. (AP) The Mississippi Parole Board chairman says the state is releasing fewer inmates because the board is looking more closely at the inmates' records. Judkins said parole is an evidence-based policy that gives people second chances, reunites them with their families and community and curbs taxpayer spending. You have to credit Mississippi Today. The Parole Board released a statement Thursday evening, which appears below in its entirety,. That means 392 inmates like Tameka Drummer will continue serving their life without parole sentences. Pickett has spent 30 years in government work, including nine years on the five-member Parole Board. He also served as chairman of the Public Procurement Board. He or she must be a resident of the receiving state, or must have family living within the state who is willing to assist in housing. The report analyzes SB 2795, sponsored by Sen. Juan Barnett. In many ways, these problems are staffing problems, he said, and rising numbers of inmates will make it more and more dangerous for those who live in prisons and those who work there.. That additional prison population would cost taxpayers more than $127 million a year, based on the $53.72 per-day cost computed by the states legislative watchdog, the Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review, commonly known as PEER. Amanda Hamilton said she was never informed of her sons parole hearing, despite frequent communication with the Parole Board. Brair Parker Ballou/MCIR. The highest number of re-offense occur within the first year of release from a correctional facility. Respectfully, I feel like you guys have made an error in judgment, she wrote. Board members responded that they had a secretary and that their daily action sheets served in place of such minutes a practice they said had been in effect for decades. Most people couldnt afford it, he said. OCCU: 9141 The Truth in Sentencing law contributed to a prison population that nearly doubled between 1995 and 2007, forcing the State of Mississippi to seek alternatives to incarceration in as many cases as the law and concern for public safety would allow. Belk said the board will give the person a chance to clear up any issues to be able to continue on parole. Last year, our state leaders worked hard to pass criminal justice reform, said Alesha Judkins, state director for criminal justice reform at He is stepping into the role after the previous chairman, Steven Pickett, retired in December 2021. File photo. Tate Reeves named a new head of the Mississippi State Parole Board. Russ Latino, president of the conservative-leaning Empower Mississippi, which backed the law, told MCIR, We are monitoring the Parole Board, and we are concerned with the brakes that are seemingly being applied., Amanda Hamilton cant understand why her son, Shelby Wilson, was denied parole after he violated probation from his felony prescription drug conviction. The Mississippi Parole Board consists of four regular Board members and a chairman. .540 Powers of department. You cant edit our stories, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. Our clients had never been denied release once they obtained parole eligibility, he said. Ive seen folks with money get off for way more. The Board reviews and . Earlier in the afternoon, Republican Gov. That fall mirrored the nation, which saw the prison population decline more than 16% in all states but one between 2019 and 2021. Entry level professional work involving the compilation and computation of parole information on inmates. Belk lives in Vancleave and has previously served on multiple boards in the state, including the Jackson County Civil Service Commission and the Singing River Hospital System Board of Trustees. It all seems so unreal and unfair. Maintains records of offenders in an electronic monitoring program. On April 1, 22 inmates graduated from the program, and a second class is now under way, said corrections spokesperson Grace Simmons. The report states that in 2019, the State Parole Board established hearing dates within thirty days of an offender . In the past 14 years and especially the past seven, I have never had an empty bed, said Executive Director Vicki DeMoney. This program is specifically designed to increase the offenders' employability, improve social and relationship skills, and educate. Parole provides incarcerated people the opportunity to make the case for their release at a hearing before the Parole Board after serving a portion of their sentence in prison. JACKSON, Miss. She regularly emailed with Pickett while he chaired the Parole Board, but she said she hasnt gotten any responses from the new chairman. following organizations: Whoops! The board is made up of five members appointed by the governor. The board is now averaging about 200 hearings a month on whether to revoke parole, with as many as 95% getting revoked, he said. While parole hearings have decreased, Belk said there has been a related wave of hearings to determine whether someone should have their parole revoked. If we dont believe in grace, redemption, mercy and second chances, then we need to take In God We Trust off our flag.. If the offender commits certain types of crimes, such as murder, arson, felony child abuse, drug trafficking, or sex crimes, the inmate is not eligible for parole. 660 north street suite 100 a jackson,ms39202. Pickett has spent 30 years 21 Years of Age. JACKSON, Miss. Belk said the numbers dont dictate decisions, and the board looks at a range of available information to decide whether to grant parole. After reading the reports, Belk said he met with White and watchdog officials to get the rest of the story.. Parole is a common earned release opportunity offered in state prison systems across the United States, including Mississippi. OCCU: 9146 The Mississippi Parole Board is an important part of the criminal justice system. . The earned release supervision date is the date that includes all earned time, as well as the 15% good behavior allowance. Code Section 47-7-5 (2), One-Pager: State of the Workforce and Project SEC, Dec. 2022: Agency Head Maximum Salaries and Elected Official Recommendations CY 2023, Dec 2021: Recruitment and Selection Training for HR Staff, Dec. 2021: Additional Revisions to the Variable Compensation Plan, Dec. 2021: Revisions to the State Employee Handbook and Policy and Procedures Manual, Oct. 2021: Variable Compensation Plan based on the implementation of Project SEC2, Sept. 2021: Pay Grades, Classification Assignments, and Preliminary Implementation Projections, Sept. 2021: Overview of the State Workforce and Project SEC Overview, Video 3: PDQ for Mississippi State Employees. He said the board is aware that since hes become chairman, the parole grant rate has fallen. If youre not able to add the byline, please include a line at the top of the story that reads: This story was originally published by Mississippi Today and include our website, You cannot republish our editorial cartoons, photographs, illustrations or graphics without specific permission (contact our managing editor. " Appropriately, the membership of the Task Force represents the broad spectrum of our . Those who committed a violent crime must serve half their sentence or 20 years, and people convicted of robbery with a deadly weapon, a drive-by shooting or carjacking must serve 60% of their sentence or 25 years. And the [victims] families were having to relive this every six months.. Tate Reeves to serve as state parole board chairman. He pleaded guilty in March 2014 to one state charge of intimidating a witness and one federal count of misleading conduct. Mississippi is a world leader in incarceration. PEER quoted a state attorney generals opinion, which said expenses associated with an individual commuting to a workstation should not be borne by the governmental entity., Pickett said the accusations against Jones were unfair and untrue, because Jones was commuting from her home in Meridian to the office in Jackson. If someone is not ready for parole, he said the board will give them time, maybe a year, to be reconsidered. See Miss. MPB is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Similar to most other Parole Boards, the Mississippi Parole Board is responsible for granting discretionary paroles to inmates convicted prior to the Truth in Sentencing law. She had served time before for a pair of violent felonies. Whats frustrating, she said, is that since her son entered prison, he has taken all the right steps. Klicken Sie auf Einstellungen verwalten um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und Ihre Einstellungen zu verwalten. In the years since, reforms and an aggressive Parole Board, headed by a veteran law enforcement officer, reduced the number of inmates to the lowest level in two decades. Pay Grade: MS12. State of Mississippi Parole Board 660 North Street Suite 100A Jackson, MS 39202 Phone: (601) 576-3520 Fax: (601) 576-3528 For questions and information about parole matters, contact send email to Parole Board Members Jackson Parole Staff Jackson main number-601-576-3520 Jackson fax number-601-576-3528 Thats in contrast to more than three-fourths of the remaining states, which received flunking grades. A Mississippi man serving life for murder will not be paroled, the Parole Board decided Wednesday, reversing a previous decision to free him after more than 30 years in prison. In a Monday interview with Supertalk Radio, Gene Bell said the notice of Frederick Bells release was advertised in the Clarion Ledger rather than the local paper, the Grenada Star. If this current trend continues, that number would top 23,000 next year. Maintains a central registry of paroled inmates. The Parole Board will take into consideration the inmate's criminal history including number of offenses and prior convictions, the nature of the actual crime and its severity, psychological or psychiatric history, conduct during incarceration, the amount of time served, history of drug or alcohol abuse, history of violence, attempts at escape, employment or residency arrangements, military history, and the views of the community on the inmate's release. This story was produced by the Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting, a nonprofit news organization that is exposing wrongdoing, educating and empowering Mississippians, and raising up the next generation of investigative reporters. Email Governor Deval Patrick announced the resignation of the entire Massachusetts Parole Board in January. See Miss. When she appeared before the Parole Board, he asked her what she had shoplifted. Corrections Commissioner Burl Cain requested and received pay raises for correctional officers, but recruiting and retaining those officers has proved a struggle. He had originally received a death sentence, but several court rulings in the past decade paved the way for him to be resentenced and become eligible for parole. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. TD. I believe in second chances, he said. The parole board has also received letters from groups of lawmakers, the Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police, as well as the Mississippi Sheriffs' Association urging members to reverse the decision. The board typically saw about 5,000 inmates a year. Mississippi Parole Board 201 West Capitol Street, Suite 800 Jackson, MS 39201 If you dig deep enough on the internet, you might be able to find a sample clemency or pardon application. It is dedicated to the process of promoting public safety. We are poor. Her work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe and USA Today. Highest salary at Mississippi Department of Corrections, Mississippi Parole Board in year 2021 was $81,785. Cliff Johnson, director of the MacArthur Justice Center at the University of Mississippi School of Law, said the Department of Justice documented the low staffing levels inside the State Penitentiary at Parchman, which is suffering from grisly violence, gang control and other woes that the department says are violating inmates constitutional rights. Typically requires a Bachelors Degree and 0-3 years of related experience. The incumbent reviews pertinent inmate information and prepares synopsis for the Parole Board so eligible inmates can be considered for parole in a timely manner. code ann.47-7-3, has been amended many times to change and add to the statue. In September 2013, Mississippi had as many as 22,490 inmates behind bars. Having a skill upon release, in theory, helps the offender to successfully integrate into the community and will reduce recidivism rates. When an inmate is granted parole, he or she will enter the supervisory period and will remain under supervision until his or her maximum term expires. BOARD MEMBERS Updated January Search: But soon after, parole rates and hearings began dropping each month. Tate Reeves to ask that Frederick Bells parole be denied. Both White and PEER criticized the travel expenses of Parole Board member Betty Lou Jones, who received more than $20,000 in travel reimbursements. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. 585, passed in 2014 to address Mississippi's rising prison population and "to implement research-driven criminal justice policies to produce a greater public safety return on corrections spending. They include Pickett who has served for nine years, Betty Lou Jones who has served for 13 years, Nehemiah Flowers who has served for 8 years, Jim Cooper who has served for one year, and Anthony Smith who has also served for one year. Parole Board Member Betty Lou Jones, of Meridian, owes $47,321 for the same instances. by Mina Corpuz, Mississippi Today October 26, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

. Parole grant rates have fallen by more than half, reducing the incentives of people in Mississippis prisons to participate in programs and prepare to safely reenter society, State Director Alesha Judkins said in a statement to Mississippi Today. Durch Klicken auf Alle akzeptieren erklren Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Yahoo und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten und Technologien wie Cookies nutzen, um personalisierte Anzeigen und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr ber die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie fr die Entwicklung von Produkten. Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting, If we dont believe in grace and second chances, then we need to take In God We Trust off our flag., News, Mississippi News, Public Health, mental health, Coronavirus Pandemic, Julie Whitehead, covid-19, Dillion Swindle, work from home, suicide, Joe Turner, pandemic, mental health, fragile society, substance abuse, stress, anxiety, depression, previous health conditions, dread, pandemic life changes, can't control, News, Mississippi Spotlight, Mississippi News, Tainted, Tap water, Mississippi Spotlight, Water pipes, South Jackson, Mayor Lumumba, J.H. In 2015, Belk began serving as president of the board, which tried to salvage the pension system and keep the hospital open. Most of the correctional facilities also offer pre-release training, religious counseling or programs, adult basic education and vocational training and therapeutic recreation. The parolee must be in compliance with the terms of his or her current parole. If youre convicted of a crime on parole, you shall be revoked.. Jury in Murdaugh murder trial to visit Moselle Wed. Man arrested after chase through multiple MS cities, Stokes to host march after two teens killed in Jackson, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Jackson lawyer Robert G. Parrish has handled dozens of parole cases over the last 16 years. Fifty dollars goes into the Community Service Revolving Fund at the state treasury to fund the supervision program, $3 goes to the Crime Victims' Compensation . Life sentences, convicted habitual offenders, offenders of sex crimes, and armed robbery, armed carjacking or attempted armed robbery convicts are not eligible for mandatory parole on the 85% law. Mississippi Title 47. "Theyre eligible for parole and a lot of them are due a second chance for an opportunity to get out, turn their life around and do some good.". .510 Information obtained by probation or parole officer to be privileged -- Exception. Reviews recommendations proposed for inmate release, reviews files of inmates to determine eligibility for parole, and conditions for which the inmate may be released. Were honestly compassionate. Tate Reeves appointed him as a member of the Mississippi Parole Board beginning Nov. 1. To help attack this problem, Commissioner Cain has started an alcohol and drug program at the once-shuttered Walnut Grove Correctional Facility that houses 32 inmates in a 90-day addiction program. If a parolee wants to obtain parole or transfer to another state, he or she must meet some basic requirements. Mississippi has clung tightly to the law, which automatically imposes a life without parole sentence in cases where someone has any prior violent felony., a criminal justice and immigration reform group, supported SB 2795. A retirement reception is planned for Pickett at the boards office on North Street, Suite 100A,in Jackson from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. December 29. What she finds frustrating is that the board never asked him about any of this, she said. (601) 576-3520. View Website. Code Ann. Look for the "Republish This Story" button underneath each story. One reason Bell was denied parole is because of how his pending release was advertised to the public. Mississippi State Parole Board. Belk said there is a misunderstanding that a parole eligibility date means automatic release or sentence reduction. He hasnt received any rules violations, according to the prison records she shared, and he has refused to join a gang, despite the fact it nearly cost him his life, she said. Our stories may appear on pages with ads, but not ads specifically sold against our stories. You cannot have a deny all the criminals and throw away the key mentality., Its not the job of the board, he said, to carry out a second punishment without a jury., He recalled questioning a young woman who suffered from an addiction and had been caught shoplifting. Eligibility for parole has expanded in recent years. Editorial cartoons and photo essays are not included under the Creative Commons license and therefore do not have the "Republish This Story" button option. To learn more about our cartoon syndication services. The Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting is a nonprofit news organization which relies on donations to inform, educate, and empower Mississippians. See Miss. Parole Board members make risk assessments about prisoners . Similarly, many inmates being considered for Mississippi parole work at a prison-sanctioned job to gain skills and develop work ethic that will benefit them on release. The Board also may hear cases for the revocation of Mississippi parole and/or Earned Release Supervision. Code Section 47-7-5 (2) OCCU: 9146 Pay Grade: MS15 Parole Board Chairman Serves as Chairman of the State Parole Board. In July 2022, the most recent data available, the grant rate was 40% and the board held 633 hearings. The work includes reviewing and collecting files and data, participating in classification decisions, providing information on inmates to authorized persons, and completing Risk Matrix information on inmates. In response to the boards actions, Bert Bells family members, Grenada community members, state lawmakers and law enforcement groups around the state signed a petition and wrote letters to the Parole Board and Gov. You can only publish select stories individually not as a collection. Doctors prescribe Ozempic off label: Is that OK? (601) 576-3528. If you share our stories on social media, please tag us in your posts using. No one can hear 8,000 cases in a year and not work full time, he said. The Central Mississippi Correctional Facility has a print shop and also makes furniture. On direct appeal, the Mississippi Supreme Court affirmed the conviction and sentence. 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