The 202nd Olympiad has been calculated to run from July AD 29 to June AD 33. Jesus Christ's crucifixion is one of the most important events in the history of the world. Tertullians statement certainly suggests he himself had seen the account of this world-portent. Otherwise, it would have been foolhardy of him to have made such a bold challenge to such sticklers for record keeping as the Romans, who could have proven him wrong. The writings on the crucifixion of the historians from the first and second centuries is very interesting. On this site you can do a search for earthquakes essentially anywhere in the world, including through history. Early Christian writers, such as Origen, Africanus and Eusebius, also cited a 2nd century writer, Phlegon, as having written of the Crucifixion darkness. Last month: Next month: new 18:49 33/01/19 UTC : 1: 33-01-20/21: Noumenia kata Selene : 2: 33-01-21/22: Agathos Daimon : 3: 33-01-22/23: Athene : 4: 33- . However, such an explanation for the Crucifixion darkness is absurd because solar eclipses are counted in minutes, not hours. There are writings from Roman, Jewish, and Christian writers all known as good historians who mention Jesus Christ in some way, often as they write about Christians. Nisan was the month the Passover was celebrated, a very important time for the Jews commemorating their deliverance out of slavery in Egypt. Pliny tells us from the outset that unusually long eclipses areportentous. As a Roman noble, it is not remarkable that Pliny selected two examples which were portentous with respect to the history of Rome, i.e., the eclipses at the times of Caesars death and the war against Antony. However, this is scientifically impossible. The fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad I believe would include some of the same year as the 203rd Olympiad but the new Olympiad did not start till the Olympics event took place in the Summer. The ancient world still has historical buildings standing to this day built two millennium ago; wouldnt it be logical to build an extremely strong building that could withstand an earthquake in an earthquake-prone location? There was a great earthquake in Bithynia, and many things were overturned in Nicaea.' Annular (ring) eclipse. and this is shown by the historical account of Tiberius Caesar. Philopon, De. The span of distance between Bythnia and Jerusalem would have put the earthquake in a cataclysmic category, and the evidence confirmed by science supports that conclusion. He quotes Phlegon as stating it was the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad, conflicting with Africanus who quotes Phlegon as stating it was the 2nd year; He asserts this occurred at the Passover both in the 18th year of Tiberius (spring 32AD) and in Olympiad 202.4 (spring 33AD); I would not always agree with him on some interpretational points but he does well in analyzing the crucifixion date question. The next piece of the puzzle is to determine if Jesus indeed was crucified on a Friday. Peter reminds his hearers these things were done in the midst of you, as you also know. Clearly, Peter referenced an eventthe three hour darkening of the sunwhich waspreviouslywitnessed by all hearing him that day. From the direct quote above, it is clear Phlegons source is an observer in Bithynia (in modern day Turkey), which is well over 500 miles away from Jerusalem. The Cancellation Of The Curse Of Death, And The Free Gift Of Eternal Life, The Cancellation Of The Curse Of Sickness, And The Availability Of Supernatural Health, The Cancellation Of The Curse Of Poverty, And The Availability Of Gods Supernatural Abundance, Victory Over Satan Won At The Crucifixion, Accreditation, Acknowledgements and Legal notices for Crucifixion, Contact Dr Richard Kent and Recommendation. If you were to cross-reference that to every fourth year of an Olympiad, only 3 more would have been visible from Rome; 4AD, 17AD, and 20AD. The earthquake on the other hand was a natural process miraculously timed to occur at the crucifixion. Well, Phlegon does mention this guy named Jesus. We have already cited the Acts of the Apostles, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Tertullian, Africanus, the 1st century historian Thallus, and the 2nd century historian, Phlegon, and these sufficiently demonstrate the historicity of the Crucifixion darkness. First, is what I would call deduction from all available information. This historical puzzle shows the historical accuracy of the New Testament in a number of ways. Only the Nov. 24, AD 29 eclipse over Asia Minor can match that, and Joel's prophecy (Acts 2, 14-21) that ``the sun will be turned to darkness and moon to blood." Modern context of the calendar of ancient Olympics would put the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad at July 32-33AD. He has written apologetic articles and is working on a historical-adventure trilogy, set during the time of the Arian crisis. Read more . Does this necessarily mean that Phlegon was referencing the seismic activity, if you dare to call it that, that occurred during the Crucifixion in the Gospel accounts? The audience began to show its disdain. Last month: Next month: new 02:44 32/07/26 UTC : 1: 32-07-26/27: Noumenia : 2: 32-07-27/28: Noumenia kata Selene Agathos Daimon: Herakleia? Dont Panic! Updated May 2013 College Press Publishing Co. Joplin, Missouri. Passover occurred on either Nisan 14 or 15 about two weeks after the New Moon. Be that as it may, and even if the dating of Phlegon is not correct, this does not diminish the case made thus far for the historicity of the Crucifixion darkness. Thepoint is that thedestruction of the discovered earthquake had to be catastrophic in order to destroy buildings there, which leads to the conclusion that the big one that hit Jerusalem also hit Turkey along the fault line at the same time. Your email address will not be published. I will also point out that the Roman historian Thallius also recorded these events. Otto Keller, Rerum Naturalium Scriptores Graeci Minores, 1 (Leipzig Teurber, 1877), p. 101., 2 Julius Africanus, Extant Writings, XVIII in The AnteNicene Fathers, ed. The maximum duration for a total solar eclipse is seven minutes, not three hours, and at the latitude of Jerusalem the maximum duration is even less. (Sextus Julius Africanus,Fragment 18. Even with the loss of the original writing, if the transposition of the original to the copy were to be altered, there would be significant doubt as to when the event occurred, or if, it even occurred. The Bible is indeed confirmed by science, archaeology and history. It would be interesting to model the varying sizes, speeds, and distances required from the earth to account for the period of darkness on that hypothesis. This information would be every unlikely to have been added at a later time due to its specificity in time. The Romans and Jews could have falsified Peters claimhad it been false. The evidence for Christ's resurrection is also historical evidence of a miracle. Your email address will not be published. The New Testament records the three-hour darkness during Christs crucifixion (Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:4445). Therefore this is how Jesus could have been crucified on Friday and rise from the dead on Sunday, as Christian tradition and Biblical information have always said. Steven OReilly is a graduate of the University of Dallas and the Georgia Institute of Technology. This is a clear Bible prophecy foretelling that God would cause the punishment for our sins to fall upon Jesus. I will address that below as well. In Wadi Zeelim, located above the southwestern shore of the modern Dead Sea exists an outcrop of laminated Dead Sea sediment. It was recorded by a Pagan author who had no desire to promote Christianity yet he confirmed the Bible record! Being written within a dozen years of the Crucifixion, many of Matthews readers would have been witnesses to the three hour darkness which had fallen over the earth (cf Matthew 27: 45) years before. Then from Saturday evening after sunset till early in the morning on Sunday was a portion of a 24 hour cycle so it also counted as a day and a night, even though Jesus apparently resurrected before Sunrise. Therefore, he relied on transcribed information; either written or oral. So I found another source of this very quote from the same Rabbi in an old commentary from the 1600's from English Scholar John Lightfoot [2]. The answer is a resounding yes.Whether the darkness was witnessed throughout the empire or only in regions around Jerusalem is not clear. The onah concept applies to part "days" and whole "days" so that they counted the same. Phlegon's ``Olympiads" (2nd century) says that Christ's crucifixion was in the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad (AD 29-33), when a total solar eclipse occurred in the 6th hour. Unfortunately for the skepticand a sign of his desperation as wellthe argument from silence is, perhaps, one of the most difficult types of arguments to make. Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the sorrows of hell, as it was impossible that he should be holden by it. (Acts 2: 14-24)[Emphasis and formatting added]. Last Olympiad: Next Olympiad: 1st year: Begins 29-07-01/02: Hekatombaion 29 Metageitnion 29 Boedromion 30 Puanepsion 29 Maimakterion 30 Poseideon . We only have fragments left to us of this monumental work and quotations of it from other writers. We do however have important sections of Phelgon's work, which are critical in dating the Crucifixion. According to NASA, there WAS an actual solar eclipse in the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad: He said, "A day and a night are an Onah, and the portion of an Onah is as the whole of it." An earthquake occurred in Bythinia and overthrew a great part of the city of Nica. EARTHQUAKE AND DARKNESS THAT OCCURRED AT JESUS DEATH WAS RECORDED IN SECULAR HISTORY. 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad, in the 18th year of Tiberius. The second quote is recorded by Philopon. For from Nehemiah, who was sent by Artaxerxes to resettle Jerusalem in the 115 th year of the Persian empire, the twentieth year of Artaxerxes, the fourth year of the 83rd Olympiad, until this time, which was the second year of the 202nd Olympiad, the sixteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, there is a total of 475 years. Therefore I think we can compare it to another impressive unnatural phenomenon that happened 100 years ago in Fatima, when the sun danced on oct. 13th 1917 at the exact time Our Lady foretold months beforehand, before a huge crowd. Some events regarding the life of Christ and the life of Paul the Apostle, which are mentioned in the New Testament can be dated. Pontius Pilate (Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1968), p. 366. Why preach something that was manifestly untrue? His chief work was the Olympiads, an historical compendium in sixteen books, from the 1st down to the 229th Olympiad (776 BC to AD 137), of which several chapters are preserved in Eusebius' Chronicle, Photius, and George Syncellus. This may seem hard to accept for some. It should then not come as a surprise to us that Pliny, who scorned the idea of God and religion (cfNatural HistoryI, 5), would pass over in silence this world-portent now claimed by and associated with the Christian religion, which wasat that time he wrotea portent of a persecuted, criminal and maligned sect. The 12 Foundation Stones in New Jerusalem. Note that the path of this eclipse was over present-day Russia. The astronomical science tells us there was no solar eclipse over Bithynia in that year. Though it is almost impossible to deny that this strange event truly happened, on the same day our Lord died on the Cross, I strived for years to find a natural astronomical explanation about it but in vain. To God nothing is impossible. It is also interesting to note that Sextus Julius Africanus (160-240 A.D.), a Christian historian who had established a library in Rome for Emperor Severus Alexander, referred to the Crucifixion darkness as a portent of the world. Given the similarity in termsAfricanus portent of the world and Tertullians world-portent, it is tantalizing to wonder if each were referencing thesamedescription of the darkness still in the Roman archives. We pass over this speculation to consider Tertullians words, quoted earlier, which suggested that there were those who attempted to explain away the Crucifixion darkness as being a normal solar eclipse. His boyish face was flush and confident now. However, if the crucifixion were on a Wednesday or Thursday this does not seem to fit the proper timing in the Jewish Passover week. Euse-bius, in his records of the year A.D. , quotes at length from Phlegon, who says that, in the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was a great and remarkable eclipse of the sun, above any that had happened before. It also gives a link to download Lightfoot's entire New Testament commentaries in four volumes as free PDF files. And calculation makes out that the period of 70 weeks, as noted in Daniel, is completed at this time." There is only one period of darkness lasting for three hours in the history of the world. As explained, we believe that the darkness referred to by Phlegon is the same darkness referred to in Matthew 27:45. Just for reference, Nicea is in western Turkey, approximately where the city of Bursa is. If your sunset occurs later than sunset in Athens, the event may occur on . The madness of the skeptic is such that they would have us believe sources which are silent, over those which speak. You can be sure that faith in God is not blind faith. The written testimony from outside the Bible confirms some of the main events, people, and places mentioned in the New Testament. The Jews counted days and nights as if a portion counted like the whole, they did not think in terms of ellapsed time as we do today. Those who heard Peter preach in Rome would have previously known about this darkness in several ways, including: (1) having witnessed it firsthand in Rome if it had been a universal darkness; (2) hearing of it from travelers to Rome; and or (3) through letters or official reports received from the provinces, the latter of which were kept in the Roman archives. You can use a text widget to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. Moon phase and solar year events are shown on the day in Athens. This needs to be updated they just found evidence if quake from 26 to 36ad. And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at their junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically opposite the sun? Though Jesus was alive till Friday afternoon, the period he was dead on Friday counted as both a day and a night. Historical Testimony and a seismic event that happened sometime between the years 26 and 36. In sum, the words of Tertullian and Africanus show us that in ancient times onlythe explanation of the causeof the three hour darkness was in dispute,not the fact of it. The first quote below is unique to Origen. There were Jewish, Christian, and Roman writers from the first and second centuries that refer to Christ and the crucifixion. From the above statement of Phlegon we can work out the year of the Crucifixion. Adding these figures up, we find that Jesus began proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of heaven when he was 33 years old. There too, nobody could give a plausible explanation. 9 Of course, they only thought an eclipse had occurred. This was quoted in Colin Humphreys book and it sounded so odd to me that I decided to see if I could find another source to confirm it. This information was considered reliable at the time because Origen (in 248 CE) quoted it to refute Celsus (Against Celsus II:14,33,59), a Greek philosopher very critical of Christianity but familiar with history. It is an important event to all Christians. (LogOut/ Bursa is approximately 600 miles from Jerusalem. The 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad is from July 32 to June 33 CE, which confirms the date of 3 April 33 CE. Those who were not aware that this had been predicted about Christ, no doubt thought it an eclipse. The fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad was in 33 A.D.!!! Key to this text though, is that it has never been found in an original form. Phlegon was a Greek historian who wrote an extensive chronology around AD 137. II 21 [2], Phlegon records that, in the time of Tiberius Csar, at full moon, there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth hour to the ninth manifestly that one of which we speak. However, these are all unlikely candidates as their timing is off from the Olympiad calendar. 2. He was a Greek historian who lived in Asia Minor during the first century. With this principle in mind, let us now consider the evidence. Even if there is speculation on whether this is the correct eclipse referenced, there is only one more that would have been visible by the Persian Gulf and Rome during the Olympiad: In the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad (i.e., AD 33), there was 'the greatest eclipse of the sun' and that it became night in the sixth hour of the day [i.e., noon] so that stars even appeared in the heavens. From all the information above I believe there is a fairly strong convergence of evidence that Christ's crucifixion was in April of 33 AD. Matthew 12:40 says that as Jonah was three days and three nights in the fish, Jesus would be dead three days and three nights. It was calculated in four-year intervals. "In the fourth year, however, of Olympiad 202, an eclipse of the sun happened, greater and more excellent than any that had happened before it; at the sixth hour, day turned into dark night, so that the stars were seen in the sky, and an earthquake in Bithynia toppled many buildings of the city of Nicaea." Moon phase and solar year events are shown on the day in Athens. This research again confirms Phlegons writing. Z's Blog - What Does The Prayer Really Say. Martinus Nijhoff. Luke clearly goes out of his way to be specific about when this year was, by relating it to six different important officials. He dabbed the sweat from his pallid face and intoned Are you at peace with God? An earthquake occurred in Bythinia and overthrew a great part of the city of Nica. Edit them in the Widget section of the, Repost: The Historicity of the Crucifixion Darkness. Elsewhere in this same work, Origen wrote in relation to the Crucifixion darkness: And with regard to the eclipse in the time ofTiberius Csar, in whose reign Jesus appears to have been crucified, and the great earthquakes which then took place, Phlegon too, I think, has written in the thirteenth or fourteenth book of his Chronicles (Contra Celsus II, 33). [CDATA[*/ var d = new Date(); var n = d.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('getYear').innerHTML = n; /*]]>*/ Christian Evidence. This argument is sufficient to diffuse the skeptics argument with regard to Pliny. The audience was quieter now and gave the speakers the respectful hearing that they deserved. He said If I could prove to you that the Bible is a supernatural book, confirmed by both foretelling of the future and also by miracles, would you believe what the Bible says?. He was dying as the newborn infant was being brought back from Egypt by his parents. 2004. It is important to readThallus comments to completely understand the issue. Africanus refutes the attempt of Thallus to explain away this darkness as being a regular solar eclipse. So, these historical extrabiblical sources are also consistent with the AD 33 date. Archeological study of artifacts or buried structures is helpful but archeologists would often consider an ancient written source to be more important than an artifact because you need to know something to give the artifact a context. The first Olympiad was conducted in 776 BC. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. Julius Africanus elsewhere makes the point that what was sometimes referred to as an eclipse of the Sun by Roman writers could not possibly be a solar eclipse because it happened at the wrong time of the month [5]. "In the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was a great eclipse of the Sun, greater than had ever been known before, for at the sixth hour the day was changed into night, and the stars were seen in the heavens. This blatantly religious appeal seemed odd and out of place. 3: 32-07-28/29: Athene : 4: 32- . The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Thus says the LORD, Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me . The question is: should we accept the historicity of this Crucifixion darkness? Africanus make it rather evident that Thallus was specifically addressing this darkness i.e., the three hour darkness at the time of the Crucifixion and not any other. I would say there are a couple oflines of argument that can be used to date the crucifixion. He stated that in the 19th year of Tiberius and the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad (i.e., AD 33), a large eclipse occurred which turned day to night around the sixth hour (noon), and an earthquake destroyed many houses in the city of Nicaea. This sediment outcrop is a distinctive one-foot thick mixed layer of sediment that is tied strongly to the Qumran earthquakes onshore ground ruptures of 31 B.C. There is a silence of historical sources with regard to this Crucifixion darkness. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. opif. It would be absurd to think that Peter would have asserted that his hearers had witnessed the darkening of the sun if they in fact had not. In addition, he writes of an earthquake accompanying the darkness, which is specifically recorded in Matthews Gospel (Matthew 27:51): Secular Geologist, Jefferson Williams of Supersonic Geophysical, and colleagues Markus Schwab and Achim Brauer of the German Research Center for Geosciences, researched the Dead Sea and revealed that at least two major earthquakes occurred: A widespread earthquake in 31 B.C. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun. The New Testament in Matthew 27:45 records that while Jesus was on the cross there was darkness over all the land for three hours. Yet there has not been a good consensus among scholars about the exact date of the crucifixion. Pure speculation. (LogOut/ The speaker continued The 53rd chapter of Isaiah, written over 700 years before the birth of Christ, describes the most important aspect of the ministry of Jesus Christ!! The Romans, for example, are known to have have kept archives which included data on eclipses of the moon and sun. source: . Even more fascinating is the mention of an earthquake. 12:40 mention three nights. The mention of three nights in this verse has prompted some to propose the crucifixion was on a Wednesday or a Thursday. Phlegon, born about A.D. 80, was a secular historian who lived in the second century. In telling the story of the guards, Matthew takes into account what his Jewish audience would already knowi.e., there was aclaimbeing spread abroad that the body of Jesus had been stolenand then he proceeded to provide facts to explain the true origin of that lie. Donations to this ministry aretax-deductible. Thus, if the quote is accurate, and Phlegon's eclipse has . Having provided an argument for the historicity of a three hour darkness based on historical sources and reason, we may now address the objection made to it by skeptics, which may be stated as follows. There are few historical records that are actually from the time of Christ but there are some records from historians from the second century AD. The first of the two speakers stepped forward again. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Age of Isaiah Scroll Scientifically Predates Jesus, Earliest Records of the Gospel Accounts of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Corroborate the Modern Text,,, Mara Bar Serapion Confirms Early Reference to Jesus, Rome Confirms the Existence of Christianity, Phlegon of Tralles Scientifically Established as a Credible Source on Jesus. About two weeks after the New Moon is the Full Moon, which corresponds to Passover. Thank You Father :). We will analyze from two perspectives: one that asserts both Phlegons writing to be uncompromised and authentic, and one that assumes Phlegon has been compromised and is unauthentic. But what has an eclipse in common with an earthquake, the rending rocks, and the resurrection of the dead, and so great a perturbation throughout the universe? Zero as a mathematical number in the Greco-Roman world was a later invention. Dont believe me? For example a time-line can be established from his famous works called The Olympiades as follows: "In the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was a great eclipse of the Sun, greater than had ever been known before, for at the sixth hour the day was changed into night, and the stars were seen in the heavens. He made a famous statement to explain how days were counted for certain ceremonial purposes. . What constitutes good historical evidence? Part II: The Role of the Church, Roma Locuta Est Considers: Benepapism and the Munus vs. Ministerium (EpisodeV), Is the Culture of Death creating the Remnant: Part 1 Declining births and life expectancy, Roma Locuta Est Considers: Benepapism and the Munus vs. Ministerium (EpisodeIV), Roma Locuta Est Considers: Benepapism and the Munus vs. Ministerium (EpisodeIII), 10th Anniversary of Benedict XVIs Renunciation of the Papacy, A Rebuttal of Dr. Mazzas book on Pope Benedicts Resignation, Valid? Moon phase and solar year events are shown on the day in Athens. Made a famous statement to explain away this darkness as being a regular solar eclipse important time for crucifixion! Science tells us from the first and second centuries that refer to Christ and the crucifixion fourth year of the 202nd olympiad... Its specificity in time. SECULAR history time due to its specificity in time ''... Them in the second century and quotations of it from other writers to its specificity in.. 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